Waves on the Sea

Above the vast sea, a ship was quickly breaking through the waves.

Jayce carried the confidential documents from China and carefully walked into Yu Qian's room.

Yu Qian sat in front of the piano, his slender hands flying up and down. Music notes jumped out of his fingertips. Outside the window was an endless blue sea.

It was clearly a soothing sleeping song, but to Jayce, this song seemed to have a dark forbidden curse.

Closing his eyes, it was as if he could see the center of the vast sea. The whales sank, the seagulls fell, and the lonely dancers danced alone on the sea under the considerate moonlight.

Jayce was not a musically-inclined person, but every time he heard Yu Qian play the piano, he felt uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" After the song ended, Yu Qian turned around, his gentle face calm.