Su Yueran Wiping the Princess' Shoes

The next day, the sky was gloomy and looked like it was about to rain.

"Baby, don't go to the production team today. I'll help you apply for leave." Jun Shiling lowered his head and kissed Xia Wanyuan's hair.

"No." Xia Wanyuan did not sleep well and looked a little tired. "I'm going to the audition today. Help me put on my clothes."

"Alright, then I'll pick you up after your audition." Jun Shiling could only take Xia Wanyuan's clothes and help her wear them slowly.

At the entrance of the production team, Su Yueran was dressed in a white robe with a few red plums embroidered on the sides. Standing under the eaves, she subconsciously made the entire eaves seem to be tainted with the faint fragrance of the plum blossoms.

Not far away, a car slowly drove over. Su Yueran looked up with watery eyes.

Xia Wanyuan looked at Su Yueran outside the window and suddenly pushed Jun Shiling. "Look outside."