Slapping the Internet

Liu Ling nodded. "Really, Mommy, I can earn money. That Sister Xia said that she would give me a lot of money."

The middle-aged woman smiled until the wrinkles on her face appeared. "That's good. I knew you were amazing. The place you're living in now is quite good. Is it also the place your Sister Xia found for you?"


"Alright, I see that your place is spacious and much better than our basement. How about this? We'll live here and it'll be convenient to take care of you, okay?" Although she said that she was asking, the middle-aged woman had already stood up and began to size up this suite.

The more she looked, the more the middle-aged woman clicked her tongue. "This place is too comfortable. You wretched girl, why didn't you tell us earlier? If you had told me earlier, I would have brought your brother over."

"Mom," Liu Ling called out to the middle-aged woman.