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When Little Wang received the call, he looked around and finally saw Lu Li waving at him desperately not far away. He secretly made an OK gesture at Lu Li.

"CEO Xuan." Xiao Wang hung up and held his stomach. "Aiya, my stomach suddenly hurts. I'll ask the doctor."

Xuan Sheng turned around and looked at his hand. "Mm."

Xiao Wang thanked her repeatedly. "I'll come after seeing the doctor. Contact me if you need anything." Then, he ran away while holding his stomach.

Lu Li was stunned at the corner. Brother Wang, you're holding your stomach and saying that your gastric hurts?! Will Xuan Sheng really not notice this?!

In the next second, Xuan Sheng, who had been talking to the doctor, suddenly looked back, scaring Lu Li so much that she hurriedly shrank back. She patted her chest. "Fortunately, I dodged quickly. I shouldn't have been discovered."