CEO Jun, An Eye for an Eye

"She can't get pregnant in the future?" Jiang Kui only heard this main point. He frowned. "Can't it be cured?"

What was the use of a madam of the Jiang family who could not have children? She was not qualified to be a vase.

"The doctor said the probability is very low." At this point, the butler sighed.

He also had children. Thinking of how he and the servants had stood outside the door the entire afternoon and ignored Zou Man's painful cry for help, and thinking about how she cried miserably, he felt terrible.

Especially when he thought of how they had exhausted the little life in Zou Man's stomach that had never seen this world before, he felt even more uncomfortable. Looking at Jiang Kui's expressionless face, the butler sighed in his heart.

Many people tried their best to marry into rich families, but how many people could survive in rich families safely?