Sharp Mouth but Soft Heart

Xuan Sheng left in such a hurry that Ding Shanshan could not stop him even if she wanted to.

"Seriously, can't you just get the nurse to send me out? You even have to get it yourself." Ding Shanshan rolled her eyes and took out a mirror from her bag to carefully touch up her makeup.

In the hospital lobby, Lu Li was carrying something and chatting with the two trembling elders as they walked forward.

"Young lady, is it heavy? You're so good. You even helped us carry our things." The old lady smiled kindly at the deer pear, her broken front teeth revealing the wind.

Lu Li retracted her arm calmly with a smile on her face. "It's nothing. My grandparents are also as old as you. They can't carry heavy things either. I helped carry them at home. They're not heavy."

"Aiya, what a filial girl. How old are you this year?" The old man's children were outside all year round. When they met Lu Li, they became more talkative and kept asking questions.