Becoming Famous Overseas

Looking at the netizens' comments, the male fans tried to look at Xia Wanyuan's Weibo post from Jun Shiling's perspective.

Then, everything could be explained.

This Weibo post was clearly taken by Jun Shiling with Xia Wanyuan's phone. Then, that "too clingy" was Jun Shiling saying that Xia Wanyuan was too clingy.

[F*ck!!! Jun Shiling, stand up. I want to fight you to the death. The hatred of snatching my wife is irreconcilable. It's fine if you snatch her, but you even snatched my wife's phone to show off your love and provoke us. Don't you have any humanity!]

[The person in front, I want to ask you. Is the revenge for snatching your wife serious? What part of you is stronger than Jun Shiling? Please ask yourself.]