
An Luo was very sensitive to An Lin's emotions. He put down the gift Xia Wanyuan had given him and turned around, catching the sadness on An Lin's face.

"Brother, what's wrong?" An Luo leaned towards An Lin. "Are you unhappy because I played with Xia Wanyuan? Don't worry, I still love you the most."

An Lin smiled and stroked An Luo's head. "Silly brother, I'm not unhappy. I just feel that I have too little time with you."

An Luo blinked his blue eyes. "Then I'll work hard to learn how to manage the family and help you share more of the burden. You'll have time to accompany me."

"Okay." An Lin opened his arms to An Luo. "Come and let me hug you."

An Luo lowered his head in embarrassment. "Brother, I'm already so old, yet you're still hugging me. How embarrassing."

Although he said that, An Luo still approached An Lin and let him hug him, just like when he was young.

An Lin patted An Luo's back. "Good boy."