Fall of the Jiang Family

The staff splashed a bottle of water on Jiang Kui's face. "Wake up. Running away won't solve the problem. If you don't explain everything clearly, I won't let you live in peace today."

Jiang Kui was woken up by the water. On the television in front, the reporters were surrounding Father Jiang and asking all sorts of questions.

Jiang Kui looked at Father Jiang in a daze. The former head of the Jiang family, who was in high spirits, seemed to have aged ten years overnight.

"I want to see my father!!" Jiang Kui suddenly stood up and ran out the door crazily.

"Stop." The gun was pressed against the back of his head. "If you move again, you'll be charged with assault."

Jiang Kui wanted to say something, but he suddenly realized that he was no longer the high and mighty young master of the Jiang family.

He looked back at the iron window and suddenly felt an unprecedented panic.