Lost Dynasty

The first rain of autumn fell outside the window. The current temperature was not enough to turn on the heater, so the house was a little cold.

Xia Wanyuan stood by the window and looked at the rain-soaked leaves outside. A warm blanket fell on her shoulder.

Xia Wanyuan turned around and Jun Shiling pulled her into his arms. "What are you thinking about?"

Xia Wanyuan placed her hand in Jun Shiling's coat and absorbed the heat of his body temperature. "I dreamed again last night."

"What did you dream of?" Jun Shiling gently stroked Xia Wanyuan's hair, silently transmitting power to her.

"I dreamed of Xia Wei." Speaking of Emperor Xia Yuan, Xia Wanyuan frowned slightly. "I dreamed that he was in a very dark place and looked straight at me, his eyes filled with pleading."