Princess' Tomb

The familiar amusement park models overseas were all based on Disney. China's amusement parks had never been famous in the world.

Because of Xia Wanyuan's reputation, the Moon Bay project had received a lot of attention from the beginning. Now that it had achieved a huge success, it attracted the attention of the world.

The Moon Bay project itself was of high quality and could attract many foreign tourists. As more and more tourists went to Moon Bay, the reputation here became more and more famous.

In less than a month, the Moon Bay project had changed from a failed marketing case to a paradise project that was as famous as Disneyland in the world.

In this month, Shen Qian had also brought people to walk through the entire northwest region of China. In the end, in a deserted desert, he found an area that was more similar to the scenery drawn on the map.