
The staff silently wiped the saliva off his face. "It's like this. According to the popularity of the platform, when the popularity of another topic exceeds the second place by five times, it will squeeze out the topic position we bought."

"Xia Wanyuan and the rest also bought a trending spot?"

"That's not it… She's really popular."

It was good that the subordinate did not say this. The more he said, the more anxious the investor and director of "Ice" became. "It's so popular?? What about our television drama?"

"According to the data, they might surpass us in the next episode…" The subordinate reported carefully as he wiped his cold sweat.

"We can't continue like this." The director was worried. "The selection of the World Film and Television Golden Globes is coming up. Didn't we prepare for five years for this award?"

"Increase our investment. We must suppress Xia Wanyuan's limelight. This year's Golden Globe Award must be ours."