
When Chu Man was talking to her subordinate, she subconsciously took out a cigarette and gestured for her subordinate to light it for her.

However, just as she lit it, a hand reached out. Xia Wei frowned slightly. "I told you not to smoke."

"Didn't you leave??"

Xia Wei shook his head. "Let's go now. There are still many things to do."

"Mm." Chu Man's gaze shifted to Xia Wei's hand that was holding a cigarette. Her eyes seemed to be filled with joy and sorrow.

At this moment, in England, An Luo stood at the entrance of the ancient castle angrily.

"Why not??"

"Our governor said that the governor's wife is already very tired from the long journey and needs to rest."

The assistant looked at An Luo's ashen face and secretly took out his phone to send An Lin a message.

Just as An Luo was about to explode, An Lin finally called.

"Brother." An Luo's voice sounded quite aggrieved. "Xia Wanyuan doesn't want to see me."