The Truth

On the vast sea, a huge ship was moving forward through the wind. Xia Wei leaned on the deck and held his heart.

The huge wave mixed with the cold wind slapped Xia Wei's face. However, at this moment, he could not feel the bone-chilling coldness on his face at all, because compared to the pain in his heart, everything was so small.

Xia Wei felt as if thousands of insects were constantly biting him in his heart, sucking the blood flowing in his heart bit by bit.

Xia Wei pulled open his clothes and took a look. The area covered by the nine-pointed star was getting larger and larger, almost spreading throughout his heart. His entire heart seemed a little dark and heavy under such a nine-pointed star, looking very terrifying.

Xia Wei calculated the time. It would be soon.

"Mr. Xia." His subordinate's footsteps came from behind.

Xia Wei removed his hand and buttoned his collar. "What is it?"