
Seeing Little Xiaxia, whom he had not seen in a long time, a ripple flashed across Yu Qian's cold eyes. "Didn't your father tell you??"

Although Jun Shiling and Xia Wanyuan had not returned, Xiao Bao and Little Jiajin had raised her very well. Little Xiaxia was even fatter than when she left back then. Her bright eyes were filled with excitement.

"What?" Little Xiaxia smiled at Yu Qian with a row of white teeth and dimples on her face.

"Back then, Jun Shiling specially sent you to me. If not for the many benefits he gave me, I wouldn't have taken care of you at all," Yu Qian replied coldly to Little Xiaxia. His gaze landed on the potted plant beside him and he did not look at Little Xiaxia on the screen.

A hint of sadness flashed across Little Xiaxia's eyes, but soon, she stared at the camera again. "Uncle Yu, did my father install cameras in the castle??"

Yu Qian turned to look at Little Xiaxia. "Of course not."