Make Yourself at Home

I was in a quandary. I can keep a secret when I want to but I did not want to get charged with "hindering an investigation" either. I was waiting at my table to give my statement. I couldn't get out of that but how much of my statement did they really need. I decided that I would not mention Suit if they didn't ask, I could say later that in all the excitement I forgot about him. Then there was the whole thing in the alley. It would be way better for my freedom if I did not mention Suit.

Troy came over to me and sat down where Suit had previously been. "I need your statement."

I looked at him waiting for a question.

He put his little notepad in front of him and got his pen ready to write then looked at me.

I looked at him.

He looked down at his notepad and back at me.

I looked at his notepad and back at his face.

"Your statement, Nor. I need to know what happened."

I decided to start at the end. "I was leaving when I tripped and pulled the tablecloth off one of the tables down with me - it was one of those magic things where everything stays on the table, I wish I could do it on purpose. That has always fascinated me." I glanced down to see he had stopped writing then back up to his face which was irritated. "Anyway, " I sing-songed the word out, "as my face was becoming intimately acquainted with the floor, I heard a shot, army crawled to the kitchen and started herding everyone out the back door. I came back to see if I could do anything, snuck back in and tackled him from over there. " I pointed while I spoke, " then Jeremy came and cuffed him. You know the rest." I paused pulling my lips in like I had just put on lip color and wanted to smear it evenly then made a popping sound as I released them. Troy looked up as I made the popping sound.

"Can I go?"

"Uh, one question." he was still looking down as he asked, "do you know the guy you tackled?" I shook my head. "Ever see him before?" I kept shaking my head. "Did you see who he was shooting at?" still shaking my head. He flipped his notepad cover and stuffed it into his inside jacket pocket as he stood up to leave.

"That is more than one question." I said deadpan. He scowled.

"I know where to find you if I have any more questions. Go home, Nor. You look like look tired." Well, good thing I didn't need to resort to flirting not that it would work on him anyway. We have known each other since early school days. Thanks Officer Troy. Not wanting to risk any more questions, I quickly stood up and walked, at a normal pace-I do learn from my mistakes- out the door and across the street to my apartment door right next to the Hardware store. My door opened to stairs that followed the side of the building up to my loft-like apartment. I had it tricked out with all kinds of security. I liked my gadgets and I had the money so my apartment looked like a cheap place to stay with the beat up looking cabinets. I think the artsy term is distressed. My second hand couch and mismatched furniture did nothing to make the place look enviable or more importantly worth robbing. But I had secret compartments with biometric locks that held all the tricks of my trade. I may buy my clothes at thrift stores but I do not skimp on my tools. I should have thought to bring at least my glock with me to the alley, but honestly it was a spur of the moment decisions and I really did not think it would end in a murder. Live and learn.

I toed off my shoes and threw my keys in the bowl by the door and turned to see Suit sitting on my oversized armchair glaring at me. I really should invest in better locks for the front door but I was relying on the fact that it did not look like a place you would rob. I was very proud that my step only slightly faltered as I walked toward my kitchen area. It was to the back of the open space with a bar area that separated the kitchen from the rest of the living space. I had two barstools that did not match on the opposite side of the sink and cabinet areas. I pulled open the refrigerator and grabbed a couple of water bottles. As I straightened up, I tossed Suit one of the bottles which he caught effortlessly. I unscrewed the top of my bottle off and took a long swallow as I made my way to the couch which was very daring of me. Normally, I cannot multitask like that but I made a calculated risk and it paid off when I made it to the couch with no mishaps and plopped down on the end furthest from Suit. I took another drink and looked into the blue willing myself not to get caught in the blue monologue again.

He was just looking at me, more like staring at me. Oh my now he is glaring at me. I just kept looking back with what I hoped was a bland expression and continued to swig my water.

"You need better locks." he finally broke the silence.

"Nobody but you has ever tried to break in and I am not an expert." I kind of am but I did not want to brag, "but you are not the average break-in type of person. So I imagine my locks are perfectly fine to keep the mediocre criminal deterred." After a pause, I added, "make yourself at home."

He just continued to glare at me evidently that was not the right answer. I have never really been one to pander and I had no idea what the script is here. I still haven't decided if Suit is special ops or ex-military or maybe he is high profile security or possibly all three. I don't really know and I am absolutely okay staying in the dark on this particular piece of information. I will be much safer the less I know about Suit especially if Troy comes around asking more questions.

I finished my water and was debating on what to do next. Suit just kept looking at me glaring. Maybe I am supposed to act cowed. Oh my goodness, he is trying to scare me. I pulled my lips in trying to quell the smile that started to form. I ducked my head, got up and tossed my water bottle in the trash as I walked to the front of the loft to my bedroom space. There was a screen that separated my bed area from the living area. Not very private but I didnt' need private since I lived by myself. I grabbed my most comfy pajama pants and a tank top and headed to the bathroom. The bathroom in the loft was not very large but it was enough for me. It had the most amazing claw foot tub with a shower head that extended up and a curtain that ran all the way around the tub. I loved to take baths so the shower part only got used when I needed to wash my hair, which wasn't very often. I had a tall thin cabinet that held the towels and sheets for my bed and the asundry of women's stuff that every bathroom contained. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, moisturized because no matter what you should always take care of your skin, it is the only skin you get all your life. I changed and walked back out to my bed area, pulled back the covers and got in. My bed is a queen size. Perfect for me. I usually start in the middle of it. I live alone, sleep alone so I think I should use all of the bed and frequently find myself sprawled over it. I move a lot in my sleep so there is no telling how I will wake up. Once I woke with my head and one arm hanging over the side and my feet hanging off the other side perpendicular to that way I had started out. I hadn't turned on the lamp near my bed so I threw my arm over my eyes and promptly dropped off to sleep. I had just slid into that space between awake and asleep when a hand jostled my shoulder waking me up.

"What?" I said sleepily.

"Are you...did you just go to sleep?"

"Yes. And I liked it so go away." I said rolling away from him. He rolled me back. I huffed out an irritated sigh.

"Look Suit, I am tired. I had a long day. I would like to sleep." I tried to roll back over but he pushed on my shoulder again.

"What?" I demanded."Seriously, whatever you have to say can be said in the morning. I am not in danger tonight. Nobody knows my name, they don't know I am involved, I was just another customer at the Golden Dragon. They're after you. If you lead them here, then you can take care of them when they arrive, If they arrive." I rolled over quickly to keep him from pulling me back. I heard him mutter something but was already diving under again when I felt the bed dip.

"Scoot over." he said as his hip bumped mine. Too tired to care, I scooted over. He stayed on top of the covers and I was cozily ensconced under them. With him here, I could sleep deeply. Nothing was getting past him. He obviously wasn't a danger to my mortality so whatever it was could be dealt with in the morning.

I woke to the smell of bacon. That is the most lovely way to be woken up second only to the smell of coffee. I lifted myself up on an elbow and looked around. I was still in the same place that I was when I went to sleep. I sat all the way up, pushed my hair out of my face and threw the covers off heading to the bathroom. I did my morning routine and padded to the kitchen area. I noticed the coffee was already made so I pulled down a coffee cup, poured myself some coffee, scooted around Suit to the refrigerator, splashed some cream in the cup then sat at the bar drinking the morning ambrosia.

"Did you buy coffee?" I asked his back. His very broad back. He had taken off his Suit coat and rolled up the sleeves of his light blue button shirt that was untucked from his suit pants. His feet were bare. Hmmm.

"Yes, your have shit coffee."

"Hey! No need to cuss at my coffee. What is wrong with my coffee?"

He turned and pointedly looked at my cup. I took a drink and sighed at the amazing flavor. I bet I could have drank this black no need to soften the bitter with cream.

"It's good." I stated.

"It is more than good, that stuff is pure slow roasted, automatically turned while roasting coffee made from the very best beans in the world."

"Did I offend your coffee sensibilities?" he did not say anything as he turned back around to the stove top to attend the most wonderful thing about mornings-bacon.

"Coffee snob." I mumbled into my cup.

"What did you call me?"

"Coffee snob." I stated plainly. He scoffed.

"What are you making?" I inquired.

"Bacon and eggs-scrambled." He pulled the bacon from the skillet and cracked the eggs one handed into the bowl. Man, I wish I could do that. Every time I try I end up smashing the egg all over my hand and have to spend hours picking out the shell pieces. Well not hours but you get the point. I sat there mesmerized by his movements as he efficiently made breakfast drinking the amazing coffee that I will never admit out loud within Suit's hearing. He slid a plate in front of me and then opened a drawer and pulled out a fork that he also slid across the bar. I picked up the fork and started eating. It was good. I continued to eat as he got his plate and stood across from me holding it as he ate. Again with the glaring. I ignored it and enjoyed my meal. I finished, picked up my plate and walked around the bar to the sink which he was leaning his against. I nudged him with my hips and he scooted over. I rinsed my dishes and put them in the dishwasher--almost full. I rinsed the skillet and spatula and put them in the dishwasher as well all the while Suit continued to eat and glare at me. I grabbed my coffee cup and headed back to my bedroom area grabbed some jeans, a t-shirt and my favorite sports bra. Went to the bathroom, ran some water for a quick bath and got ready for my day.

When I came out of the bathroom, I went to the dresser to get my socks and my motorcycle boots. I sat down on the couch to put them on. I went back to my dresser behind the screen and pulled out my glock, checked the clip, added another clip to my back pocket, put the gun in the holder at the small of my back, pulled my shirt over it, slid my cool as a cucumber buttery brown leather jacket on, loaded up my "gear" putting knives and my pic poket kit and my penlight in my various pockets and walked to the door to get my keys and my helmet and started to pull the door open when Suit stopped me with his words.

"Where are you going?"

"Well, dad. I thought I might go to work. You know the thing people do everyday to earn money to buy things and pay bills." I had half turned back to him with one hand still on the door knob, the other holding my helmet.

"What do you do exactly?"

"And you need to know this because.." I asked dragging out the word because.

"You can't leave."

"I am sure I just heard you say I can't leave but that cannot possibly be what you said because that would be." I paused looking for the right word, "wrong." I finally stated. "I can leave. It is just a matter of opening the door and walking down the stairs, getting on my bike and riding away."

"I told you that you are in," he paused, taking a deep calming breath, "you are in danger. They will kill you."

"Okay. I see 2 things fundamentally wrong with that sentence. A. I can handle danger andtTwo, who are they? And third, how do they know who I am?" I asked, getting irritated and therefore my voice rose several notches at the end. I also realized I can't count.

He started to speak, then I beat him to it. "You know what never mind. Don't tell me the less I know the better off I am- plausible deniability and all. You go do your thing and I will go do mine and we'll both live our own happy lives alone, separately never to meet again. Sound good? Okay then. Have a nice life." I said quickly as I turned to leave my loft. I wasn't fast enough. He grabbed my bicep and turned me toward him really getting the glare worked up.

"If you leave they will figure out who you are and then they will kill you in a way that will make you wish you were dead long before you actually get to slip into oblivion."

"Such a drama queen." I smiled. "I will be fine, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I am not that easy to kill." He grabbed my arm harder and pulled me toward him. Oh no, no no. I do not do manhandling. As he pulled me toward him, I used the momentum to swing my other hand around and punched him in the throat. His grip loosened so I continued my spin and back kicked him in the gut. He stumbled back, holding his throat trying to get a good breath in.

I walked the few steps to the door and told it, "You need to ice that. Lock up when you leave, please. I am sure you know how since you unlocked to get in." I pulled the door open and trotted down the stairs, opened the door at the bottom and walked down the street to my bike. I had skips to catch today.