Going for a Ride

"Take me back to my car." He said, sounding suspiciously like a demand. I turned my head slightly to him and raised my eyebrow. "I just heard you say you wanted to walk back to your car? Is that what you meant to say?"

He stared at me for a beat then sighed, "Will you take me back to my car?" I just continued to look at him raising my eyebrow another smidge. "Please." he gritted out.

"I would be happy to take you back to your car since you asked so sweetly. Buckle up, Suit, we going for a ride."

"Indiana Jones?" really?" he asked incredulously.

"Well let's examine the evidence." Pleased that he got my reference, not many people can follow my random quotes especially when I alter them to fit my situation."We have bad guys chasing us, " I used my hands to air quote bad guys because I still didn't think they were after me. "We are in the middle of an adventure, or at least I am and you are tagging along unwanted like the stupid chic in the movie."

"You think I am the stupid chic?" He said emphasizing the I.

"Yep." I replied evenly.

He scoffed. "What are you waiting for, Jones?" he said as he snapped the buckle into place.

I grinned at the windshield and put the Rover in gear. I pulled out of the parking spot as a nondescript grey car screeched to a halt behind me.

"Geesh man it is a parking lot. I honestly think the person in the parking spot should have the right of way, they are the ones driving blind. It should be the responsibility of the person who can see that yields." I grumbled as I moved the gear to drive. Another car screeched to a halt in front of me effectively trapping us. It also was a nondescript gray sedan.

"I don't think they want to buy girl scout cookies." I said. "Hold on for real Suit this might get rough. I waited for a beat for the very large dude in the car in front of us to get out, he had a gun already pointed towards the windshield and was slowly walking around the car.

"Are these your friends?" I asked Suit. He shook his head while reaching his hand into his jacket to pull out … I don't know. I thought all he had in there was a knife but I really have no idea what kind of Armani arsenal he had. "Do you care about them at all?" I asked revving the engine making the large dude hesitate. By now another man had exited the passenger side. I looked in the rearview mirror noticing that two more very scary large dudes with guns were approaching from behind. I smirked, "amatuers." I muttered as I rammed the car in front of me and pushed it down the aisle into the street far enough that I could fit my Rover into the street. They did not shoot at us to my amazement. "They aren't shooting." I stated.

"They probably don't want any more attention after the fiasco last night." He said as he turned to look behind us. I did not look behind us. I drove like a crazy person, well not a crazy person actually I had it under control. I drove like a person not wanting to get caught by four really big gun-toting dudes. You could say I drove appropriately for the circumstances. I hit the button on the steering wheel to activate my phone. "Call Sally." I spoke plainly.

"Calling Sally" the car answered in a sweet voice.

"Girl! Why did you bring your cursed ass into my restaurant today? I am assuming that the screeching tires are because of you?"

"Yep." I popped the p on yep. "Sorry, honey. Anyway, no need to call 911, they are chasing me and are long gone from your place unless you need it for insurance purposes."

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yep." again with p popping. "I have some explaining to do to John about the front bumper." I looked over at Suit and remembered the head rest incident, "and the headrest, but my person is unharmed."

"Girl, why do you even come out on this day?" Sally wondered.

"I am glutton for punishment, plus I really thought I could dodge men today." I glared at Suit as I said the last part.

"Okay then. Where are you going?"

"Sally." I stated.

"Yea, yea, I get it- the less I know the better for me. Are you at least safe yet?"

"Nope." I also popped that p.

"Gotta go, Lovely. Need to concentrate on losing these guys. Later." I waited for her replying later before ending the call.

"Call officer Troy." I told the car. "Calling officer Troy." the car replied, ringing immediately filled the car.

"Today, Nor?" he greeted.

"I don't want to but I thought I would give you and all the other males at the station a head's up. I am coming in hot. I have two nondescript gray sedans, I cannot see the make."

"Ford Taurus." Suit said.

"Who is that?" Troy asked. "Why do you have a man in your car on this day of all days Nora Jean Camden!"

"Allen Troy Washington, you did not just use my full name. This is not something I have control over right now. Do not blame me." I looked at Suit and asked, "did you get the plates?"

He shook his head.

"What good are you? Suit. Seriously, what you have brought to the table today?" I said irritatingly.

"I brought the coffee." he said deadpan.

"There is that." I conceded.

"Uh, Hello. You called me." Troy said reminding me I was still on the phone.

"Yep. Like I said, coming in hot, It would be really nice if you could have some people ready to chase the cars that I know are not gonna pull into the station with me and kindly turn themselves in."

"Gotcha." Troy stated and I heard him yell some things to the room.

"Which way are you coming from? I can meet you."

"Golden Dragon. Straight shot if I can. Lights might change my route." I could hear him rolling his eyes.

"Nora!" he clearly did not like that answer.

"What? I am not running a red light possible getting others killed and I am not just going to wait. So, I will just right turn my way there." I said very calmly like I was trying to talk a suicidal person off a ledge.

"Right turn your way here? Dammit Nora." he yelled. "Fine. Just get here."

"On my way. Later." I did not wait for his later before I disconnected the call.

I told Troy I would right turn my way there but I really needed to make a left turn. I also did not really want to lose my tail but then again I did not want to get shot at either.

"Pray for green lights." I said weaving in and out of traffic. This was a 35 zone, I was not going 35.

"Stay green, stay green, stay green'' I chanted as I approached the light. It switched to yellow and I gunned it to make it through. The bad guys did not seem to care and ran the red behind me. I was about a block ahead. As I approached the direct street where I needed to turn left to make it to the station another gray sedan raced toward me. I could tell the timing was going to block my left turn so I crossed the lane and turned right instead, now going the exact opposite of where I needed to go. I drove to the next major intersection and turned right again now going back in the direction of the Golden Dragon. I whipped another right as soon as I could still weaving in and out of traffic I was just about to turn right again taking me back toward the Police station when one of the stupid Tauruses blocked my turn I kept going straight, then took the next right, wove some more and then took another right. I could see the station on the right of the road skid turned into the parking lot as the sedans drove on past. Two police cars immediately took off after them with their lights and siren's blaring.

I huffed out a breath and started laughing. "Who's up for round two?" I shouted another of my favorite movie quotes looking around at Suit and then further back to see Pee Wee with his tongue hanging out and a huge doggy grin on his slobbery face.

I waggled my eyebrows at Suit, "Looks like Pee Wee is."

"I don't think he's among the smartest of his species." Suit said dryly. I don't think so either. What species is he exactly? I know dog but what kind of dog. I really need to search that.

I just kept smiling. I turned my head as I heard a knock on my window. I hit the button to make it go down and turned, still smiling at Troy.

"Hey Troy." I said as if we just met at the grocery store.

"Don't "Hey, Troy" me Nor. What the hell?"

"That was fun." I said through my smile chosing to ignore the fact that he cussed at me. Some situations do seem to call for it.

He glared slapped the door twice and ordered, "Park and get in here, you have some 'spaining to do Lucy." I said the last part with a perfect Desi Arnez accent.

I looked at Suit. He did not look happy.

"Oh, come on now Suit. Don't be a grumpy cat. We made it in one piece and I didn't even scratch the Rover. It's all good." He tried really hard to hold on to his grumpy but I could see the edges of his lips twitching. He loved it.