The Night Out- Episode One

I look distastefully at the swaths of dark cotton in Kastien's outstretched hands.

"You expect me to wear that?" I ask. I can't help but feel disgusted.

Kastien grins from where he stands inside the receiving area of my rooms. "I have an evening planned for us, but you can't go dressed like that."

"What's wrong with how I look?"

I took great care dressing today. My gown is a light purple that clings tightly to my legs. No bustle or petticoats insight. I've never felt more comfortable. The outfit was, of course, chosen because it matches the new shawl Kassian gifted me.

Made from lavender satin, the shawl has woven tassels hanging from the ends, dripping with amethysts. I thought perhaps it might irritate him if he ever learned I wore it while entertaining another man.

Although, that other man is currently dressed as a servant. With cotton trousers, scuffed boots, and a threadbare white shirt, he looks ready to crawl under a bridge to sleep for the night.

"You look rich and irresistible," Kastien says. "That won't do for where we're headed today."

I feel my face scrunch up into an uncomfortable frown, but I can't seem to care. "Where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise."

I still don't reach for the clothes.

"Look, you can either go to bed early tonight, or you can do something a little dangerous and a lot of fun."

He thrusts the clothes into my arms and shoves me toward my bedchamber.

When I emerge, I look down at myself.

I wear a white blouse with loose sleeves gathered at the wrists. The overskirt is plain black, wrapping tightly about my breasts and midriff before falling loosely about my legs. It's plain, boring, peasant-like.

Kastien stands behind me and lets down my immaculate hair.


Too late. The strands fall about my face in loose waves.

"It took my maid an hour to do that."

"And it was lovely," he says. Something about the wicked gleam in his eyes stops me from protesting too much.

This will be an adventure, even if I'm clothed poorly. And Kastien will pay me attention the entire night. It's what I'd told him I wanted from Kassian . And having another man vie for my attention—one who isn't blackmailing me to do so—is too good an opportunity to pass up.

It's petty, I know. But I want to punish Kassian . And I need a distraction—just for a night—from the baron and constable who are set on ruining me.

"Let's get out of here before anyone sees me," I huff.

Grinning, Kastien shuffles me down the hallway before we turn into a servants' stairway and make our way down.

Behind the palace, two horses are saddled and ready for us, a stable boy holding them by the reins. Kastien flicks the boy a coin before bending down next to me and cupping his hands together.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping you onto your horse." Realizing my confusion, he adds, "You can't ride sidesaddle. Peasant girls don't do that sort of thing."

"I am no peasant!"

"Tonight you are; now step up."

I realize right then that I have a choice to make. Either I do

this, or I don't. But no more shrieking because I'm a lady. I didn't opt to go off with Kastien because I wanted to be treated like a lady. Ladies don't spend time alone with men who aren't their relations. They don't cavort with the former best friend of the king to get more information about how to seduce said the king.

I step onto his cupped hands and swing one leg over the horse. The fabric of my skirt rises up my legs, and Kastien helps to right it, positioning the material so I'm covered.

But as he does so, a finger brushes my bare calf. I draw in a breath. It's been weeks since I've been touched.

Longer than I've gone in years.

"Forgive me," he says. "I didn't mean—"

"No need," I say. "Lead on. I'm ready for this promised entertainment."

Kastien leaps onto his own horse. "Then let's be off."

Down stone-paved lanes and past candlelit lanterns we travel, Kastien's horse ahead of mine. We curve down the streets of the mountain, layer after layer of quiet neighborhoods, run-down inns, and even a bawdy house.

There aren't many out on the streets, not this late at night when it's far too dark for the merchants to sell their wares. Part of me feels guiltier and guiltier the farther we travel from the palace, as though I'm abandoning my entire purpose. But that's not so. I need a night out. An escape. And tonight is not without its purpose.

"Tell me," I say as the horses turn onto another road.

"What were you like as a younger man?"

"Ignorant. Hopeful. Carefree."

"More carefree than you are now?"

He grins, his teeth shining in the moonlight. "A great deal more."

"You were friends with the future king. What sort of mischief did the two of you get up to?" I hope the question is a good transition, hiding the fact that I'm hungry for information about Kassian.

He thinks for a moment. "We once caught frogs from the lake and put them in his tutor's bed."

"I'm sure she deserved it."

"She had a dreadfully stoic voice, and Kassian wondered if he could do anything to prompt a change in the tone."

I laugh. "And you were all too eager to help him."

"He was my only friend for a while. We did so much together. Fencing. Riding. Gaming. He loves competition. He loves winning. But then, what man doesn't?"

"What person doesn't?" I amend him.

"Do you love competition, Loralie?"

"Of course."

"Good. Now I'm even more convinced you will enjoy tonight's entertainment."

We come to a stop at an unassuming building, all straight walls and quiet darkness. Kastien ties the horses to a nearby post. I fear they might not still be there when we return, but I'm not about to let that ruin the evening.

Somehow, he finds a staircase. I suppose one must know to look for it in order to find it. He takes my arm and leads me downward until we're encased in blackness, unable

to see a thing.

"I should tell you, I told my maids who I went out with tonight. If I don't return, they'll know you murdered me."

I can hear his smile in the dark. "You won't be dying at my hands. It's only a little farther."

A creak of hinges and rush of air later, we enter through a basement door. A lonely torch sends a flicker of light about the corridor. Distantly, I hear the low rumble of what might be shouting.

As we traverse the new corridor, Kastien says,

"Whatever you do, stay close to me the entire time."

We round a corner, travel down a smaller set of stairs, and then finally—finally—we plunge into a doorway spilling out light and noise and the stench of ale.

"Boxing?" I say when I take in the scene before me.

Up ahead, the room slopes gently downward, allowing us a view of the scene in the middle: Two men face each other, bouncing on the toes of their bare feet, their sleeves rolled up to their elbows, sweat dripping down their faces.

Coins exchange hands, girls walkabout with cups atop trays, men and women shout to the challengers, booing and cheering.

"Let's get closer," Kastien urges, ushering me toward an empty table. We sit, and a girl dressed similarly to me comes forward, asking if we'd like anything to eat or drink.

"An ale for me," Leandros says, before looking at me.

"I'll have the same." Why not? Just because I have a taste for fine wines doesn't mean I can't sample something simpler now and then.

We turn our heads to the scene below, just in time to see the bigger contender catch the smaller ones in the chin with a vicious uppercut. The one who was hit flies backward, crashing to the wood floor with an audible thump. The crowd explodes with a mixture of cheers and groans.

The barmaid returns with our drinks, plopping one down before each of us. Leandros brings the mug to his lips, downing half the contents in one go.

Not to be outdone, I raise my own cup to my lips, trying not to taste the vulgar liquid as it streams down my throat.

Bitter and watered down, it's positively disgusting, but it leaves a warmth in my belly. I drain the whole cup before tossing it back on the table.

"I knew you would appreciate this place," Kastien's handsome grin never leaves his face. "You play the dignified daughter of the nobility well, but just under the skin there's a girl waiting to have some fun."

My grin isn't forced. "How often do you come here?"

"Not nearly often enough. My uncle expects a lot of me. If he ever knew I were here—" He cuts off with a shudder.

I let out an unladylike grunt. "No talk of responsibilities tonight. Responsibility is why Kassian claims he can't spend any time with me. Utter nonsense. If anyone can make anything happen, it's the king. If he wants a less busy schedule, he should command it."

"If anyone can bring him out of his shell, it's you. Give it time. And if he doesn't ever come around, well, there's always me."

Kastien's cup is now empty as well, and he raises two fingers to the barmaid. Another especially loud exclamation sounds from the crowd as the brutish contender fouls another foe.