Silver shoes

Staring up at the ceiling in my bedroom I argued with myself. I should go to the pizza place again! No I shouldn't after leaving that note he probably laughed at me! Maybe he thought it was a nice note!

Throwing my pillow over my face I exhaled harshly. I was so conflicted part of me wanted to go back today and part of me wanted to stay home laying in bed with a tub of ice cream watching trash tv. I threw the pillow off my face and sat up bringing my knees to my chest. If I hadn't left that dumb note I wouldn't have a second thought about going back today. That cake was so delicious I wanted to another piece again today but what if he was there again?

Picturing him in my head I wrapped my arms around my legs and squeezed tightly. Closing my eyes I could see him standing at the counter. He was so handsome with deep chocolate eyes that I melted in to. His hair almost golden, short but his fringe was enticing. I wanted to reach out and touch it, would it be soft or course and rigid? He welcomed me in and his voice was strong but with a softness. He laughed it was so free and I felt my heart pound as I laughed in return.

My eyes snapped open, with a determined look etched in to my face. I let the grip on my legs go and swung my legs down off the edge of my bed. Somehow I had convinced myself I needed to see him again. It was probably a fleeting crush and going back one more time would settle my mind and I could focus. Right! I told myself get out of your Pjs and let's go.

Now standing I froze for a second. What am I going to wear? It hit me I should wear yellow again, as I smiled to myself thinking about his note. I shook my head becoming determined again. I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out an outfit. After changing into my outfit I looked in the mirror, I examined the outfit. Starting from my shirt, a pastel yellow shirt buttoned completely to the collar. Yes perfect I thought adding a necklace with a silver bow which hung just below the collar. Now my lower half, a circle skirt with alternating white and yellow stripes vertically. It matched perfectly I thought, now looking down at my feet. Shoes I started to think intently, which ones? I almost jumped as I realised which shoes went perfectly, as I scampered to my wardrobe at the back. I pulled out a pair of silver pumps that had two thin straps across the top to form an X. I quickly put them on and took one last look at myself. The last thing I grabbed a butterfly hair clip the one with purple and silver wings and slid it in to my hair at one side. I nodded to my reflection in the mirror and left my room.

As I entered the kitchen my mother sat with her afternoon coffee and a pile of paperwork she had been working on. Being a single mother and a business tycoon must not have been easy so I tried my best to make her life as easy as I could. I would try and do errands for her whenever I could but lately she was so swamped with work we'd only eat take out food. I thought about learning to cook but I was hopeless with a stove. My mom would always remind me of when I was 10 and almost burnt down the house making brownies.

"I'm just going out mom, do you need me to pick anything up for you?", I said whilst heading for the back door. She looked at me with a strange expression, looking at me from head to toe.

"You look very pretty today, where are you going?" She said with a warming smile. I felt my cheeks flush a little as I remembered that I spent some time on this outfit.

"Oh just going to get some cake and maybe the library", I said being as honest as possible since my mum could smell a lie a mile away.

"Well I hope you have fun sweetie, I don't need anything", she said casually before taking a sip of coffee, "oh and you'll have to tell me all about him soon, I can't wait", she giggled not looking up from her coffee. My cheeks burned red and hurried to the door acting as if her words didn't faze me.

"I love you, I'll see you later", I rushed to say before closing the door behind me. I did want to tell her about the boy I met but not just yet. Meeting someone once and telling her would make me sound childish and I was 18. Getting older I wanted to put away my childish ideas and that meant I had to be confident and I needed to know him more before I could know anything.

For a moment as I took off walking I thought of my dad, my face turned to disgust. He had left 3 years ago to marry his mistress. He had been having an affair for years which my mom found out about when I was 9, he begged her to not leave him. She decided to give him more chances and he hurt her over and over again. One day he told her he was leaving her and my mother was furious, after all these chances and the time she had wasted trusting him to change she had moved on. It took some time but together me and my mother started fresh without him. He tried to send birthday cards at first and then he stopped. I hope mom will find someone new but I wasn't in any rush for that to happen, we had just become settled and since we moved to this small town a few months ago things were feeling good for us.

As I walked past the shops I was relieved, I started to think I'd never learn my way around this town. I looked in the window of a florist the bouquets captured my attention. The one with roses is for a wedding I thought. Oh and that one with lilies that's for first date. That one is my favourite I smiled staring at a bouquet full of sunflowers and daisies, it was like summer in your hands. I pulled myself away from the window and kept on walking. I realised that finding that pizza place again might be difficult, looking around I didn't remember anything I'd seen yesterday. Just then a lady holding bags of food fumbled the bags and a few of her cans hit the ground. I ran to her and quickly picked up the cans one at a time placing them back into her bags she had placed on the ground. As we were crouched down she looked at me with thankful and exacerbated expression.

"Oh my dear thank you, I always buy to much and the bags started to slip", she said almost out of breath.

"It's no problem, can I help you get your shopping home? it's too much to carry yourself", I stood to my feet whilst picking up some of her bags. "It's no trouble I have no plans today", I said trying my best to persuade the woman.

"Oh only if it's not a bother to you, I'd hate to put you out", she said in a thankful but worried tone. I beamed at her with a smile.

"It's no bother at all ma'am", I cheerily replied. She started to walk I walked along side her glad she had accepted my help. The lady seemed to be in her 60s at least with silver hair and this was a lot for her to carry alone.

"My name is Mary Duedale, I live just up the road by Samson street, it's not too far", she explained perhaps she thought I'd be upset if I thought it was far to go.

"Not a problem at all mrs Duedale, I am happy to help any time", I reassured her with in a pleasant tone.

"Oh Mary is fine dear, all my friends call me Mary and your such a lovely young lady", she smiled warmly at me, "and what might your name be?", she questioned, probably knowing I was new to town.

"My name is Daisy, Daisy Harlow, we just moved to town a few weeks ago so I'm still finding my way around", I said thinking how I would never find that pizza place again. Yesterday I had found it by accident when I got lost looking for the post office, this brought a slight frown to my face as I felt defeated.

"Oh dear Daisy, what is the matter", she said looking worried by my sudden sad expression. I shook my head and smiled at her. She was so kind and caring I didn't want her to worry.

"Oh sorry, I just realised I'm getting lost a lot lately in this town and I hoped I'd find a pizza place I went to yesterday", I explained whilst looking a little defeated.

"Pizza hmmm, well there's a few in town, is there anything about this place that's different? I might know it", she questioned hopefully.

"Oh yes!", I excitedly remembered, "this place sells beautiful cakes". Remembering the cakes or maybe I remembered the boy but which ever it was made me grin widely.

"Of course that's Als place, it's been here since I was about your age", she said happily, "it just so happens that it's just a short walk from my house, when we get there I will give you directions". Yes I was back on track, Mary had solved my problem and I hoped to help her as much as she was helping me.

"Wow really!, oh Mary thank you so much you are a life saver", I stated as I filled with gratitude. Hadn't realised by Mary was slowing down, we had reached her home and she began opening her door. As she entered she gestured for me to follow, I leaned in through the open door and took very small steps to not track anything in. Placing her bags down gently on the dining table she turned to me.

"Come in dear, don't be shy", she ushered waving her hand back and forth. I slowly made my way to dining table and placed the bags down beside the once she had put down.

"So you like pizza?", she asked whilst starting to unpack her shopping. I hadn't even thought about pizza I went in yesterday to ask directions and completely forgot once I saw the cakes.

"I do, but I haven't tried pizza in this town yet", I looked down feeling silly since I was looking for a pizza place I'd never had pizza from.

"My dear, then why are looking for a specific pizza?" She giggled probably at how strange my pursuit seemed.

"I'll be honest with you Mary", I felt embarrassed but she was so nice I couldn't stop myself from talking. "Yesterday I got lost again and went in to ask for directions but somehow I ended up eating a cake and it was the best cake I've ever had so I have to go back again to today and see him again...", I stopped myself abruptly realising I was talking about sweet now and not the cake. I blushed and darted my eyes from Mary, I didn't want to be rude so I stayed standing there but my feet wanted to desperately run out the front door. Mary placed her hand on mine resting it on the table.

"Ah yes I see, then certainly not just any place that sells pizza will do", she looked at me with a knowing smile and I smiled shyly in return. "Als is just up the road turn left at the lights and right at jewellery store, if you get to the train tracks you've gone too far", she said pointing with her instructions, "I do hope to hear more about these 'cakes' sometime, drop by anytime you like", she winked as she said cakes and I shyly smiled again. I turned leave just before I had closed the door behind me I looked back to Mary.

"If you need help any time let me know I'm happy to help, I live over on Alison road", I smiled as I waved her goodbye. She nodded and waved in return.

Okay now to go to Als, Mary said left at the lights and right at the jewellery store. Hopefully this time I won't get lost but I had a habit of getting lost it was something I'd never been able to grow out of. Hopefully I'd arrive shortly, this thought made me fill with excitement and nerves all at the same time. Shaking my head I kept on going and my eyes lit up, I saw it a sign Als pizza place it was right here. I collected my courage and reached for the door handle.