Three little birds

Sitting in my booth I let out a long sigh relaxing every one of my muscles at once until I was slouching. It was quiet in the pizza place again today but it was still early and I was relieved I could maybe talk with sweet for a while after a dessert. The more I come here the more I'm learning about sweet I thought. He had a cheekiness too him I didn't expect but was intrigued by. Sweet rushed so quickly to catch me, falling in to him was so clumsy of me. I hope he didn't think I was dumb for falling out the window.

I brought my hand up to my face realising how stupid that actually sounded and face palmed in to a sulky expression. I crossed my legs one knee over the other and winced in pain. A stinging radiated from my knee, I quickly uncrossed my legs. I spun myself to the outside opening of the booth and inspected my knees. My right knee had be grazed in the fall and was very red. As I gazed down at my knee thinking I should have brought more bandaids out a young boy around 7 years old appeared.

"Oh no!" He blurted at me, "you've hurt your knee lady". I was shocked by his sudden appearance out of nowhere that I could tell and I couldn't see any parents around.

"Does or hurt?" Another voice said from the other side of me. I jumped startled by another voice coming from behind the first boy. "How did you get hurt lady?". All three boys gathered around me at the table. They all looked around the same age, I thought they could be brothers but still no parents in sight.

"It's okay it doesn't hurt" I explained softly, "I fell from the window sill and scraped it but I'll be okay". "Where are your parents?" The boys looked relieved and then started quizzing me more ignoring my question. The first boy spoke before the others could.

"Is your name Sunny?" They all leaned in anticipation of my answer. "Yes! well kind of, how did you know that?" I was getting a little frazzled by how much they knew. The second boy chimed in, "we found your note!" Holding it up proudly in the air. I flushed a starlet red seeing my note for sweet in their hands. I tried to compose my embarrassment and held out my hand.

"May I please have my note back it was meant for someone special and I'm sad they didn't get it yesterday", I pleaded with the boys. "If you read the note please don't share it with anyone, I'm trusting you guys". With that they handed me the note with a shameful expression set into their faces.

"We are sorry miss we didn't know it was a secret, we won't tell honest!", the third boy insisted shuffling his feet as he spoke. "It's okay boys you didn't know it was a secret, but I trust you to keep it to yourselves like the gentlemen you are". They all beamed with pride and saluted me, running off in the direction of the kitchen as quickly as they had appeared. It was a strange encounter but I was relieved to get my note back. I held the note to my chest and let out a sigh, thankful this note wasn't lost.

As I held the note close I saw sweet appear from the kitchen with a beautiful meringue in hand. I was watching intently as he made his way over to me, forgetting I was still holding the note to my chest. When he reached my table looking at the note with intrigue raising an eyebrow in an interested manner.

"What you got there Sunny?" He asked pointing to the note. I squeezed the note tightly as I replied, "oh this it's … erm … it's… for you", I held out the note dropping my head to avoid his gaze. "I wrote it yesterday but it somehow got lost, 3 little boys gave it back to me", I spoke quietly gesturing in the direction the boys went off in.

"Ah, the rascals", he exclaimed. "They probably got to it before I could yesterday", he looked sternly in the direction the boys had run away. "They are kinda like my little brothers", he explained.

"You have brothers!", I blurted out eyes wide, "I had no ideas you had any brothers or sisters". This was completely true I had no idea.

"Well Al has always helped out those in a rough spot and that's how all of us came to live here" he explained matter of factly. I smiled gently as he continued his story, "me and the triplets were taken in by Al and his wife when we were young and had no family left". "I came first many years before the boys, Al has always treated us like family and that's what I mean by brothers", he placed the meringue down on the table as he spoke about his past whilst sliding himself onto the seat opposite me.

"You guys are an amazing family, Al is such a sweethea- Ouch", I interrupted my self as I crossed my legs once again pressing my graze. Listening to sweet I'd completely forgotten about my knee and he looked at me with concern.

"Sunny! What's wrong? Are you in pain?", he fired off questions as he leaped off his seat to my side. I slowly lifted my hand to reveal the graze on my knee. Sweet's eyes darted to my leg and before I could think he had his hands on my leg as he knelt on the ground. His hands on my leg sent electric tingles through my skin. The room felt instantly warmer as I burned up at his touch. He examined my knee with delicate strokes of his fingertips, my head scrambled and froze in place. His soft tender touches paused as he looked up at me his chocolatey eyes filled with worry.

"This looks really painful Sunny, does it hurt?", he asked softly. I figured I should be honest and tell him it was hurting because I didn't think I could pretend it didn't hurt, his silky chocolate eyes would suss me out.

"Yeah it does sting a little", I sighed as his face turned into a small frown. "It's okay though I just need to find a bandaid and I'll be good as new", I reassured reaching into my pocket to take out a bandaid. When I pulled out my hand in disappointment I realised I didn't have any left. "Ah shoot I've ran out", I sighed looking at my empty hand.

"Not to worry, nurse sweet is on the job", he reassured me sweetly smiling. "We have some in the kitchen I'll go grab one for you, I'll be right back". With that he stood up quickly gently placing my leg down and hurried off into the kitchen. Within a few minutes he emerged from the kitchen holding a yellow bandaid triumphantly. He quickly knelt back down in front of me holding his hands out towards my leg, "may I?", he requested gesturing with the bandaid towards my leg.

"Of course yes, please do", my words were getting jumbled in my head as I agreed to let sweet attend to my injuries. He slowly raised my leg towards him and pealed the backing off the bandaid. Tenderly placing it on my grazed knee and pressing it in place carefully. Once the job was done he leaned in closer to my knee and placed a long delicate kiss onto my knee, it felt charged with so much energy, I let out a quiet murmur of enjoyment. He had definitely heard me as his eyes darted up to me in an instant. My face flushed a bright beaming red as my eyes shifted to avoid his gaze.

"All done, now we match", he beamed holding up his arm showing me his bandaid. His smile softened into a look of calmness. I reached my hand towards his face and brushed his Sandy hair from his cheek. My fingers became intwined in his hair as I stroked his cheek with my palm.

"Thank you Sweet", I whispered, my mind racing with fragments of thoughts. My body moved on its own, bringing me closer to him. He mirrored my movements, his eyes staring deeply into mine with a calm intensity. We had closed the gap and were inches apart, he braced himself holding onto the booth as his eyes flicked from mine to my lips. He licked his lips seeming hungry, as I bit my lip in nervous anticipation.

"Sunny.. can I kiss you", he murmured quietly and breathless. He seemed to hold his breath waiting for my reply. My lips curled up into a mischievous smile, as I tapped my finger on my lips pretending to think about it. I ended his torturous wait and parted my lips to speak. The words that came out were feeble and barely a sound. "I'd like that", was all I could muster, as he removed his hand from the booth and took my face in it. His hand was rough against my cheek reminding me of how hard he works, making me melt into him deeper.

We were so close I could feel his slow breaths on my face. Instinctually we both started to close our eyes, moving a fraction closer as our noses grazed one another. Our lips parted slightly as we were seconds away from contact. I could feel a burning for his kiss building inside me, building and building until.