A prize?

Once we had moved all the chairs from the front to the yard I stood arms folded prideful in a job well done. Sweet stood beside me and folded his arms copying my pose, nodding his head smirking.

"Are you copying me?", I said in a huff trying not to laugh. The corners of my lips trying to curl into a smile. I put my hands on my hips, tuning to face his side. He shot me glances and pretended he wasn't paying attention. "Hey, I'm talking to you muscles", I goaded him as I pushed his arm with both hands almost toppling him over. He almost lost his balance and turned his head looking at me with wide eyes. He uncrossed his arms, I had ignited a fire in him that i immediately felt coming from him in his hungry grin.

"Muscles huh?, are you asking me to carry you around this yard?", he moved in closer as he spoke, his eyes hungry for the challenge. I started to walk backwards slowly, smiling to myself that I had gotten under his skin.

"Oh really", I scoffed, "I said muscles but I don't think you can actually carry me". I stopped walking and he closed the gap again this time standing closer. "I don't know if you're up to the challenge", I folded my arms again defiantly. The word challenge made his eyes narrow and his grin look almost like a growl.

"I guess there's only one option", he said playfully looking away. He lunged towards me with his arms outstretched and grabbed hold of waist. Startled i braced myself with my hands on his shoulders. My eyes wide in surprise, his hands were big and his shoulders were defined. I gently stroked his shoulder with my thumbs and realised I was staring at his arms. I blushed as I caught him watching me admiring him. He had rolled up his long sleeve T-shirt whilst we moved the chairs and it was clinging to his muscles. I snapped back to the game as I felt him grip my waist tighter preparing to lift me off the ground. I quickly slid my hands to the back of his neck and jumped into him hugging him tightly. His hands instinctively wrapped around me holding me up against him and spreading across my back.

My head rested on his shoulder with my face pressed to his neck. He smelt amazing, a mixture of roasted coffee and chocolate enchanted my mind as I breathed in deeply. I was getting distracted I needed to win this game even though I wasn't really sure why it was so important. I slid myself down from the embrace and pulled myself away from him slightly. His hands were resting on my lower back, all tension had melted from them.

"Sunny you are ..", he started I say as I interrupted in a whisper, "not letting you win!". I spun myself around and ran out of his arms, laughing gleefully as he looked at me with shock.

"Hey that's cheating!", He looked at me hungrily again as he began to chase me. I squealed and giggled as he came closer to catching me. I spun around faking left and right to throw him off.

"What will it be Sunny? Over the shoulder? Or maybe a bear hug carry", he said breathless as he grinned wildly.

"In your dreams! Gotta catch me first", I said panting the running to the left. He caught up to me and wrapped his arms around me from behind as I giggled and squealed. He lifted me off the ground and spun me to face him. He kept one hand behind my back and swung the other behind my knees lifting me into his arm, bringing my head to his chest. I wrapped my arms around neck and he stood grinning in victory. We were both panting heavily after running around, I folded my arms pretending to be annoyed at losing.

"Well looks like I won", he looked down at me with smirk etched into his face, "now what is my prize?". I pushed down all my nerves unfolded my arms and brought my lips up to his ear, wrapping my arms around his neck once again. My cheeks were flushed red as I prepared myself to speak.

"I suppose you've earned something", I whispered still a little breathless. He turned his head to face mine, our lips dangerously close.

"Something? Are you taking requests?", he whispered back looking into my eyes and glancing at my parted lips.

"What did you have in mind", still whispering my heart pounded as his smile became bigger and he laughed lightly.

"How about I close my eyes and you surprise me", he said softly. I nodded and giggled softly. He closed his eyes gently with a calm smile, his face still pointed towards mine. He was so handsome, his lips looked so enticing and I felt the urge to kiss him. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the meringue I had wrapped in a napkin before helping with the chairs. I squeezed it and it crumbed, a large piece broke away I wrapped it back up in the napkin and places it back into my pocket.

"How long before I get my prize, I can't keep my eyes closed forever", he said scrunching up his face and shaking his head. I placed the large piece of meringue between my lips and took hold of his cheek with my left hand. He froze at my touch and blushed slightly. I moved my face towards his my heart beating so loudly, my nerves making me almost shake. The meringue reached his lips and I pressed it to his mouth. He looked surprised still keeping his eyes closed he parted his lips as I slid the treat into his mouth. Our lips touched softly for a second before the meringue snapped and I moved myself back crunching the piece in my mouth. He opened his eyes staring deeply into mine. He chewed incredibly slowly as I held his cheek, he let out a long sound of enjoyment as he swallowed.

"That was definitely a surprise", he said sweetly nuzzling my nose with his. "That was tasty, and the meringue wasn't bad either", he grinned with a cheeky wink. I flushed bright red and darted my eyes from his, I couldn't believe our lips touched even if it was just for moment.

"You have meringue on your face, you messy pup", I laughed lightly as I wiped the corner of his mouth with my finger. I put the tip of my finger in my mouth tasting it, biting it lightly I looked into his chocolatey eyes. "Yum", I whispered blushing hard, my cheeks completed red. He stared at me mouth open slightly and bit down on his lip. He suddenly pulled me in closer and kissed my forehead deeply and intensely. Prying him self away slightly he spoke, grumbling a little.

"I'm going to have to put you down now or I might get carried away", he groaned as he slowly let my legs down for me to stand. My hand moved from his shoulders to his chest and stayed there gently as I felt his heart pounding in my fingertips.

"I guess it's time to do the lights now", I sighed letting the tension in my body melt away. Sweet looked over at the pile of lights and groaned loudly in protest. "Now now, you asked for my help so we gotta get this done before it gets late", I instructed tapping an imaginary watch. Holding out my hand for his to follow.

"I can't argue with you on that boss", he said rolling his eyes as he took my hand. "To the lights my queen!", how bowed towards me making me giggle pulling him by the hand behind me.

We started to unwrap the lights and I thought of what a chicken I was, I know I could have kissed him but I couldn't get the courage to do it. I stole glances at him as we worked on the lights. When one string was untangles he threw it over his shoulder and stood up. He towers above me I was overwhelmed by how attractive he was smiling at me gleefully. He reached down his hand for mine and I grabbed hold of it immediately, he pulled me to my feet swiftly.

"Shall we get started?", he said as he passed me one end of the string lights. I grinned excited to get started.