
It's been a month since sweet and I started dating and it had been the most romantic and hecktic time. I've started going to Al's at least twice a week and it wasn't easy. Learning how to do my job there was rocky to say the least. In my first week I think I broke a total of 10 plates and that's not even counting the the pizza tray I bent. Things were finally starting to get easier for me to do. Sweet was always there so I never felt like I was lost when I messed up. Spending time with him was always fun, no matter how badly I did things.

It had been a few days since we had argued about him being jealous. Although he told me he was over it I could still feel him watching me around guys. Today was no different when some of his guy friends came in for lunch. I walked over to the table of 3 ready to take thier order. I was a little nervous meeting his friends for the first time. They were all slim and cheerful, smiling from the minute they say down. The one with brown hair spoke first.

"Hey you must be Sunny, Ben has been talking about you nonestop for weeks", he cheered ecstatically as he looked me up and down quickly.

"Oh yes, I mean hi I'm Daisy, actually he's the only one who calls me Sunny", I stammered the nerves of meeting his friends were rushing to my head.

"I see well, Daisy, I'm Alister, this is Tom and Harvey", he said confidently, peering over my shoulder then away.

"We've heard so much about you, Ben is so lucky to have such a pretty girlfriend", Tom said winking at me with a light air of arrogance. My cheeks flushed red in surprise as Harvey swiftly kicked Tom under the table. An uncomfortable expression swept across my face.

"Stoping being a flirt! Ben will not be happy if you carry on!", Harvey scolded Tom in a hushed tone. Tom silently scoffed at Harvey but did not argue with his friend. Alister watched me silently not taking his eyes away from me the entire time.

"Uh hm, I'll let Swee.. Ben know you're here, do you want to order anything while I'm here?", I fumbled to speak clearly almost blurting out without thinking. I felt uneasy and the boys just watching me made me more nervous.

"Sure we'll take 3 slices of pepperoni", Alister snapped out of his daze like trance and seemed to be acting noramally again. I nodded and wrote down the order as quickly as I could. "Thanks Sunny", Alister said hesitantly as I was just turning to leave the table.

I wanted to correct him but I was already moving away from them and I didn't want it to become more awkward. Reaching the kitchen Sweet was piping chocolate onto a delicate cake. I loved to watch him when he focused intently on baking. He was so handsome the way his eyes would narrow and his mouth would tense. His strong arms holding a piping bag firmly but so softly. I stayed by the door taking in as much of him as I could before he could notice.

"If you're trying to distract me it's working", he said suddenly not looking up from his piping bag. I was snapped out of my dreamy haze in an instant forgetting I had meant to talk to him.

"Ah sorry I didn't think you'd notice me, you looked so focused", I said rushing over to him, embarrassed he had seen me the whole time. He whipped his head to see me and placed the bag down by the cake.

"Not notice! You're beautiful, you light up a room as soon as you come into it", he stated sweetly, smiling pleasantly to himself. "What can I do for you sunshine", he said taking my hand and kissing it softly. I rolled my eyes in reply, it had become quite usual for Sweet to be exceptionally romantic in hopes of getting under my skin. He enjoyed seeing me frazzled and I wasn't apposed to his attempts.

"Okay smooth talker enough of your games, your friends are here", I spoke confidently to show he hadn't rattled me this time. "They want 3 pepperoni please", I held up the note waiting for him to take it.

"Oh, They didn't say they were coming in today", he seemed a little surprised but brushed it off instantly.

"It was, Alister, Tom and Harvey", as I spoke he looked a little annoyed, his eyebrows furrowed and he clenched his teeth. "Are you upset?", I questioned him but his stern look persisted.

"I'm fine I just told them I'd introduce you when I was ready, but they've decided to ignore me", he looked agrivated and I felt his hand tense holding mine.

"Don't you want me to meet your friends?", I asked sombrely hoping he wouldn't be more annoyed. His face flashed with shock until it softened into a frown. I felt myself frowning in reply mirroring his expression.

"I do, I do", he rushed to say, "I just..", her started to explain but stopped himself. I slid my hand around his hip and rested it on his lower back, this seemed to ease his tense stance. "I just didn't want to share you yet, those guys are my friends, but they are such players and I didn't want them to be all over you", he hugged me tightly breathing out deeply as his frustrations came to the surface.

"I think it's sweet you wanted to keep me all to yourself, but I would like to make some friends here, "I smiled halfhearted remembering how lonely this town felt for me sometimes. "I just moved here and I hardly know anyone", I sighed feeling vulnerable in what I had shared.

"I didn't know you felt lonely here", his frown depended and he looked as though his heart ached.

"I'm never lonely when I'm with you", I smiled kissing him tenderly. "But I would like to make some friends too", I said shyly hoping he would not be upset at my admission. He hugged me to him and let out a tremendously large sigh.

"I just want you to be happy Sunshine, so if that means making friends then I'll help if I can", he said softly stroking my cheek, all the frustration had lifted from his face.

"Thank you, I love you", I spoke slightly louder than a whisper. He kissed my forehead and mouthed the words I love you too onto my head. He sped off shortly after to make the pizza I had completely forgotten about. Once they were done Sweet was wrestling with himself wether to take them out himself. After we argued about it last time he clearly wanted to try to keep his promise.

"Are they ready to go out now?", I questioned hoping to relieve his inner struggle.

"Oh yeah, but…", he paused as an evaluating look came to his face. "Would you mind if I took them out?", he asked tentatively, obviously nervous I would be upset about it again.

"Why don't we take them together, that way you can introduce me to your friends properly?", I suggested hoping this would be the best of both worlds to placate his jealous feelings. He shifted on the spot for a moment then nodded in agreement. Sweet held the tray and we made our way out to his friends who were deep in conversation. Reaching the table they all became silent. Sweet placed the pizza in front of them and no one wanted to speak first until someone broke the tension.

"I didn't expect you guys in today, I thought you planned to play video games at Tom's house", Sweet said looking intensely at all 3 of them until his glare settled on Alister.

"We got hungry and figured we'd stop by", Alister said confidently, looking at me in short glances. "I'm glad we came though now we've finally met your girlfriend you're always going on about", Alister flashed a smile winking at me briefly before looking back to Sweet's cold expression.

"Daisy these are my friends, don't let them give you a hard time or I will have to teach them a lesson", he was kind and gentle as he spoke to me but turned cold and harsh turning to his friends. Harvey and Tom both greeted me pleasantly looking feebly in Sweet's presence. Alister however did not relent in his bold attitude.

"We wouldn't dream of giving her a hard time, she's too cute for that", Alister declared defiantly winking at me once again, staring at Sweet matching his strong imposing energy.

"Alister, stop being a blow hard, you always try to flirt with everyone's girlfriends", Sweet said harshly with an agitated look beginning to worsen on his face.

"What can I say when I see a beauty I have to tell her how, positively hot she is, not feeling threatened are you?", he declared still glancing at me. He was goading Sweet and It was definitely working. Sweet had already started to ball up his hands into fists and looked angrier than I had ever seen before. I took hold of his hand it relaxed intstantly in a moment, the tension building in his body was partially relieved.

In that moment I had to say something before this turned ugly.