
It had been a few days since I had seen Sunny and I was nervous to after our fight. She had said she forgave me but I couldn't stop myself thinking she was probably still mad. I had baked her a peace offering to help smooth things over. Slumping down onto the counter i buried my head into my arms feeling miserable.

The door chimed and I shot up to see Sunny walk through the doorway and rush towards me. She grabbed hold of my shirt and pulled me aggressively into her kiss. I was hunched over the counter as I grabbed her face in reply. Her kiss left me delirious and speachless. She smiled mischievously as she looked at me triumphantly. She let my shirt go slowly and neatened it up gently.

"Sorry about that, I just didn't realise how much I missed you", her words were breathy trying to collect her thoughts. Taking her hands I kissed them softly, sighing deeply at the amazing hello I had received.

"Don't be sorry that's the best 'I missed you hi' ive ever gotten", all of my previous worry had melted away and her sweetness filled my body. "Now come with me I've got a surprise for you", I led her by the hand into the kitchen and sat her down at the workbench.

"A surprise, you spoil me", she beamed as she placed her hands over her eyes. I brought out the lemon meringue pie I had baked for her and placed it before her on the counter. I cut a slice and loaded some onto a fork.

"Say ahh", I teased as she followed my instruction and I fed her a bite of the pie.

"Mmmnn so yummy", her eyes opened slowly as I hovered close to her resting my elbow on the counter to support my head. I licked my lips at the sight of her and she blushed at my outrageous flirty behaviour. "Thank you for the treat it's almost as tasty as you", she tapped my nose with the tip of her finger. I bit my lip in response to her teasing and It was becoming difficult to think about anything but her lips.

"Almost as tasty huh, guess my baking needs more practice", I leaned in towards her only inches away from her lips. Her eyes darting between my eyes and mouth.

"We… should… probably… get back … to .. wor..", I cut off her with a deep tension filled kiss, she slid her fingers into my hair and I groaned into her lips.

She suddenly pushed me back away from her lips and held me at arms length. Her cheeks were flushed red and she was breathily heavily.

"Work! we are at work Sweet!", she scrunched up her face looking both annoyed and fighting herself to continue. I huffed in disappointment that she was right.

"You're right I'm getting carried away, I just haven't seen you in days and that kiss when you came in really fired me up", I admitted kissing her wrist by my chin. I relaxed against her hands and looked at her with a wounded expression. She stood up grazing her body against me as she passed me.

"Come on, we have work to do lover boy", she flashed me a knowing smile and I trailed behind her like a lost puppy. Getting back out to the front counter my dreamy haze melted away to annoyance as I saw Alister waiting at the counter.

"What do you want Alister?", I scoffed still angry from the last time I saw him. He reacted with a slight surprise at how I spoke to him, this was unusual for me to be this confrontational.

"I just want to talk man, can we go have a word?", he spoke tentatively, as I scowled at him. I decided to hear him out walking him out the back to see what he wanted to say.

"Okay what do you want to say?", I asked in an almost angry tone. Alister paused for a moment, seeming like he was gathering his thoughts as I stood arms folded waiting.

"I'm sorry okay? I was messing around the other day and I went too far I get that, you're my best friend Ben, I shouldn't have messed with you like that", he pleaded apologetically, bowing his head down with regret. I threw my hands down in annoyance at his words.

"Best friend! Best friend!, what kind of friend does that Alister? She's my girlfriend and you acted like she was just some girl", I barked losing control of my anger, letting it run wild.

"I know that Ben! How many times do you want me to say I'm sorry!", he yelled frantically losing his temper as well.

"You don't get it do you? All these years you've jumped from girl to girl and now I found someone I actually like you want her too!", I barked with rage bubbling up from my stomach. Alister could have any girl he wanted but it was never good enough for him.

"You really believe that don't you! Every girl I've ever dated chose me because they couldn't have you! How do you think that feels always being the second best?", he spewed as he clenching his fists.

"If that's true then why did you even date any of them?", I scoffed not convinced by his words at all.

"Because I always wanted to believe that maybe, just maybe one of them might turn out to be my Sunny", he blurted out his words with venom at me or himself I'm not entirely sure. Once his true feeling had surfaced his fists uncurled and his shoulders slumped down. "I'm glad your happy with her, sorry about what I did I was acting like a kid because I was jealous", he spoke calmer and his regret was obvious.

"I get it man, I was jealous too because I was so worried about you taking her I almost pushed her away with my own boneheaded attitude", I said patting him on the shoulder feeling a relief wash over us both.

"Can we just put this behind us, you're my best friend and I don't want to have to get a new one, Harvey's fine but that guy is dumb as a post", he chuckled harf heartedly.

"Ha yeah, Harvey means well but I've seen him try to work out a tip", I laughed breaking any remaining tension and reached out my hand towards him. "Let's agree not to try steal each other girls and forget about the other day", I said waiting for him to meet my agreement.

"Deal, now can I please get some pizza I'm starving ha", he grabbed hold of my hand in a firm handshake as we shook on the deal. Relieved this was behind us I invited Alister back in to the restaurant to which he appreciated.

Taking his order I saw Sunny out the corner of my eye smiling knowingly to herself. If I didn't know any better I'd think she had something to do with this reconciliation. I decided not to dwell on it and Alister sat himself close to counter and playing on his phone.

Once his food was ready I wanted to show Sunny I was working on my jealousy so decided to let her take it out to him.

"Are you sure your okay with that?", she looked at me unconvinced by my miraculous change of heart.

"I'm sure, I trust you and after talking to Alister we are all good", I felt a tinge of worry in the pit of my stomach but squashed it down quickly. I handed her the tray and ushered her out the door to the front.

To stop myself thinking about what I had done I decided to wash dishes and prep more pizza. Once it was all done Sunny was finally back in the kitchen with her empty tray. I let out a sigh of relief seeing her again smiling sweetly at me.

"I'm glad you worked it out with Alister", she said as she placed her hand gently on my back.

"He made a mistake, I can accept that, as long as he knows I'll never let anyone have my sunshine", I scooped her up into my arms, lifting her off the floor. My arms supporting her as she wrapped her arms over my shoulders and giggled.

"As much as I love this we are still at work", she said still giggling, pressing her forehead against mine.

"I'm on break", I huffed jokingly as she stroked my cheek with her thumb. Her touch felt like feather on my skin.

"A break well then that changes everything", she pulled herself into he tighter, squeezing me into the tightest hug. I could smell her hair as it glided across my face. It smelt like strawberries and It was making me lose myself in her.

In a second our secret moment was interrupted by the sound of the door chime. I begrudgingly put Sunny to her feet and went to investigate.

Reaching the counter no one had come into the restaurant but Alister was nowhere to be seen just money was left on his table and a note.