Unexpected invitation

I decided with Al in the hospital and Layla there with him, the boys needed looking after. I hung a sign on the front door that said close due to unforeseen circumstances. Many of the regulars we disappointed but didnt make a fuss.

Sunny helped me take care of my brothers all day. Watching movies, playing games and keeping them fed. Distracting them seemed liked the best way to keep them from worrying, I had relaxed since yesterday and knew Al was feeling much better now.

By around 6pm Layla returned home and she looked relieved but very exhausted. The moment she walked through the door the boys launched themselves at her, hugging her tightly.

"Aww it's okay pumpkins, Al is going to be just fine", she calmed them placing a kiss on the top of each of their heads. She walked over to me hugging me swiftly as I hugged her briefly back.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that son, after your mom I know those kinds of things are hard for you to handle", she sighed gently as she spoke and I met her with a halfhearted smile. The ordeal had stirred some uncomfortable feelings I had buried deep inside. Her eyes shifted to Sunny quickly and she froze not knowing what she might say.

"And you", Sunny flinched anticipating something awful was about to leave Layla's mouth. "Thank you for looking after all of my boys", she sniffled dragging Sunny into a tender hug. Sunny looked shocked and also touched by Layla's kind words.

"I didn't do anything really", Sunny tried to reason, but Layla had made up her mind on this one. Layla pulled back taking Sunny by the shoulders.

"Oliver, Oscar, Owen, did Daisy take care of you whilst I was looking after pappa Al?", she quizzed them almost in unison they all beamed a wide smile nodding profusely. I also smiled to myself nodding a little as well.

"You see all my boys agree, you were exactly what they needed to stay strong", Layla squeezed Sunny tightly in another hug before setting off to head upstairs. Sunny looked confused as she spun around before Layla had disappeared.

"But you forgot to ask one!", Sunny called after her, Layla smirking to herself, pausing to turn around briefly.

"Oh that one", Layla giggled to herself, "that one has been gawking at you smiling this whole time, that tells me all I need to know", she left the room as she spoke with all my brothers following after like sheep.

"I do not gawk at her!", I bellowed back but she was already gone and Sunny was giggling to herself. My eyes darted to Sunny who was covering her mouth to stifle a laugh. I rolled my eyes at the way they tease me.

"What's so funny?", I questioned her hoping she would ease my embarrassment. She held her fingers to her lips tighter, but the corners of her mouth were curling up past them.

"Funny, no, never!", she said behind her hand trying desperately now to hold in her laughter. I crossed the distance between us and with my hand around her waist pulled her swiftly against me. Her body pressed against mine it felt like I was holding my missing half. Her hand dropped from her mouth and she rested both of them on my chest.

"Still funny?" I asked her in hushed tones. I could feel her heart pounding against my chest as she drew small circles with her finger into my shirt.

"She's right though", she teased, fluttering her eyelashes. My eyes narrowed as I waited for her to finish her thought. "You have been staring at me nonestop since this morning". I fained surprise, she rolled her eyes at my obvious act.

"Alright full disclosure, whenever I look at you, now I can't help picturing you laid in my bed in just my tshirt", I stated confidently looking her up and down, her cheeks flushed pink as her eyes darted away from mine. My hands on her waist flashed memories into my mind of her soft silky skin. I could feel my hands eager to slid under her tshirt. They almost trembled at the building desire within me.

"Well", she steadied herself, "I seem to remember you promising me something this morning", her lips curled into devilish grin. I bared my teeth smiling mischievously. I squeezed her to me even tighter as she quietly squealed in reply. I brought my face down to hers only inches from her lips.

"So tell me", I breathed achingly, "what is it you need.. or is it want?", her hands slip up caressing the back of my neck. My entire body was burning at her touch, her lips were quivering softly.

"I want … I …need," she bit down on her bottom lip as my hand crept it's way up her back and tangled itself deep in her hair. She sighed in enjoyment, tilting her head back into my hand releasing her lip from beneath her teeth. Words were just about to leave her lips when.

Her phone rang in her pocket making both of us jump. I groaned loudly kissing her forehead. She huffed at the unexpected interruption, pulling her phone from her pocket with a look of annoyance. She held up the phone to show me it was her mom and she answered it.

"Hey mom, what's up", I started to slide my hands from around her but with her free hand she pulled me in closer. I smiled mischievously, kissing her cheek as she continued to listen. "Al is okay he's in for a few days but he's doing well, Where am I staying tonight?, well Layla just came home so I'm not sure", my heart sank that she might be going home already. She flashed her eyes to me the look of disappointment evident on my face. "I'll call you soon and let you know", she smiled at me softly, "alright bye". Hanging up the phone she sighed draping her arms over my shoulders.

"So you probably should go home tonight", I said resting myself against a table. She frowned looking wounded by my words.

"You want me to go?", she said with pleading eyes, breaking my heart just looking into them. I took hold of her hands on my shoulders and kissed them deeply.

"No sunshine of course I want you to stay, but you have no clothes here and with Layla back, I feel like we are always being watched", I hung my head down, I didn't want her to go but it would be wrong to ask her to stay. She scooped up my chin her hands and brought her face close to mine.

"But I do have a shirt here", she said innocently winking, her devilish grim had returned, images of her in my tshirt sprang into my head once again. I growled hungrily at her teasing me. She knew it was working as she kissed me painfully softly. Barely grazing my lips I reached out and found her hips then squeezed and pulled towards me.

"As much as I can't think of anything better then you wearing nothing my tshirt, I think it may surprise Layla a bit", I whispered into her lips, fighting the urge to lift her off the ground and kiss her ferociously. She pulled herself back and scrunched her lips to one side considering my words.

"I guess your right, I'll let my mom know I'll be home tonight", with that she pouted dramatically at me as she called her mom.

"Hey mom, I'll be home tonight", she said a hint of disappointment in her tone. "Sure spaghetti sounds good", my ears pricked up at her talking about dinner. "I'm not sure he'd have time to stay for dinner", she shifted on the spot as I mouthed the word 'me' to her pointing at myself. She nodded as she tried to shift the conversation.

"Is she inviting me to dinner", I leaned in excitedly, Sunny's cheeks flushed red as she nodded holding her hand over her phone. "I'd like to come for dinner", I said a little louder hoping her mom heard me. She swatted the air grumpily as I had spoiled her denial. I chuckled to myself as I realised it has worked.

"He said he's free", she grumbled as she shot me a glare. I smiled goadingly at her as she continued to talk on the phone. "Yes he's coming for dinner just be 'normal' okay!", she scolded with a cute grumpiness in her voice. "I'll see you in an hour, okay bye", she hung up dropping her arms defeated. Her head spun towards me with a look of betrayal. I laughed at her reaction as she folded her arms in annoyance.

"What did I do", I said pretending to be ignorant. She huffed to herself then accepted her fate.

"I guess you better tell Layla not to make you any dinner", I froze and realised I'd have to run upstairs quick to stope her. I ran past Sunny before stopping to retrace my steps I kissed her quickly before heading off to go tell Layla I'd be having dinner out.

This was the first time I'd be having dinner at Sunny's house and the nerves were starting to creep in.