Give Me A Reason To Take You In (3)

"Stop! That's enough." Leng Ruoxue was flabbergasted and stopped the talkative snow eagle from continuing. Who knew what it would say next?

"Then… will you accept me?" The snow eagle suddenly became a little shy and lowered its head, not daring to look at Leng Ruoxue.

"Miss, please take it. It's so pitiful." Lü Tao couldn't help pleading. In order to express its loyalty, this snow eagle explained everything it could, even including its eight generations of ancestry. Moreover, it pretended to be pitiful and cute, making Lü Tao unable to bear seeing it like this.

"On account that my maidservant pleaded on your behalf, I'll accept you!" Leng Ruoxue said helplessly.

"Thank you, Master." The snow eagle quickly initiated the contract, as if it was afraid that Leng Ruoxue would regret it.

"Lü Tao, Feng Da, choose one each too!" Leng Ruoxue said after the contract was completed.
