Companion beast (3)

"Really?" Little Mo's face was full of disbelief. If he had heard correctly, this little red snake should be the human woman 'S. So, what he didn't understand was how he was going to follow the little red snake! It did not like humans!

"Of course, but you have to follow this woman. Only she can help your Little Star." Fiery said again.

"I don't trust humans." Inky refused. For so many years, he had been hiding with Little Star and had seen many people, but he had never met a good human. Therefore, over the years, his impression of humans had become worse and worse.

"Do you believe me?" Xiaohuo's eyes widened as he loudly questioned.

"I ... I believe you, but I don't believe in humans!" Xiao mo paused for a moment before continuing.

"What if I tell you that women are good humans? Do you believe me?" Xiaohuo asked again with its eyes wide open.

"I ... I'll believe you!" Under the threatening gaze of Lil "fire, Lil" mo said a little fearfully.