Pretty boy, do you dare to fight me one-on-one?(2)

Even Uncle long couldn't hold it in anymore. Cold sweat dripped down from his forehead, and he couldn't help but wail in his heart. Girl, do you have to say this so ambiguously? Aren't you afraid of the jealous lover beside you?

The "jealous jar" in his heart was naturally referring to the evildoer. However, to uncle Long's surprise, he didn't see a trace of anger on the evildoer's handsome face. This was too abnormal.

Could it be that the jealous jar of wine had changed? Uncle long was full of doubts.

At this moment, he heard the evildoer smile faintly and speak in a light tone,""Just kill him directly, no need for the trouble!"

Ugh! He was wrong! Uncle long sighed to himself. Not only did this vinegar jar [ 1] not change, but it instead became even more serious! He actually wanted them to be killed directly!

Wouldn't it be the most convenient to kill him directly?