The Magic Card

Aruna looked at the clock in her hand.

"The schedule is in 3 hours. I'll come today."


"Yes... I'll try..." Aruna replied.

"Okay, I'm waiting for you..."


"Bye, Aruna.."

"Bye, Sis." Aruna closed the phone as if she just got a call from the earth. The place where she came from.

When she looked back at Hendra, it was as if he were on another planet far away from the ground. 

The man in front of her was like an alien, the ruler of a planet in the far corner of the Milky Way.

The alien kidnapped her and held her hostage at will, taking Aruna as a prisoner and treating her like a doll. 

Suddenly, Aruna's heart became furious.

'Should I just use him?' 

'I think I need to try it.'

It was not only Aruna who was used by him. Somehow, he also needed to know how it felt to be used like her.

"As far as I know, you have a platinum card with no limit, right?"