The D Floor

[2 Days Before]

A man in a dark brown coat stretched out over his hands, resting on the support and wrapped in a cast. 

He thought for a long time before finally deciding to follow the elder's wishes, taking his special elevator. 

With a card belonging to the leader of the bodyguard named Raka, Hendra found out how to get to the D floor, which reportedly was in the basement.

Raka taped his card on the elevator then pressed together with the numbers 5 and 8. The elevator then launched downwards with a blue light.

When the lift stopped, they were confronted with a detector door. 

Raka touched his hand on a box on the right side of the door. An instant later, the eye corneal detector asked the visitor to come closer.

The door then opened.

'Waa, Wiryo. How could the old grandfather's head be able to build such a sophisticated room?'