
"What are you saying?!" Hendra retorts.

The terrifying old man just smiles at her. It is the first smile that Aruna's (or even other guests) sees on his face. This old man never smiles.

"You don't want to say anything, so let me do it." Aruna tries to hold on to her mic.

"That's why I need you to support me, because you know my personality is better than him," She glances at Hendra, "So, if we argue in the future, believe me that I am the right one."

"Haha." The guests laugh. Hendra glares at her, trying to threaten her, but she doesn't care. Then the head of the family stands up, calls for his bodyguards, and whispers something to them. One of the bodyguards then approaches Aruna and whispers a shocking statement : "Master wishes to give you the newest version of a Rolls Royce car, even newer than Hendra's."

_What??? Is he crazy? This family is weird… but it's okay_