Prayer Request

"Don't forget that I am the sole heir of Wenceslas." Hendra purposely tries to show off the unlimited power that he has to make Aruna understand.

"Your family won't give you to me if I am an ordinary person."

"Now, you have to realize your position and do what I said."

"Do you understand?!"

Hendra slams the door, leaving Aruna who is grieving physically and mentally. She has made a mistake. She thought that the blue eyed man was a sweet man who loves her very much.

But actually it's only to deceive the public. Yes, he is very good at acting in front of the public. His personal branding and image are more important than anything.

She tries to sleep, closing her eyes, but the small gap from the door that is not closed properly makes her realize that there's something frightening out there.

"What is it out there?" The girl moves slowly driven by her curiosity, she tries to hear carefully and peek between the gaps.