Not A Dream

"Do you know what that means?".

"Yes. I just understood a few days ago, but I won't apologize since I just understood". (About Wenceslas family's past)

"If you've been playing around until this moment, you're ready for all the risks. Really, I'm sure you haven't understood how far the risks that we'll face?".

"If one day they betray you, make sure to clean our family's reputation too, regarding the case in the past".

"I think our influence this time is already more than enough. Moreover, our power".

"Do the best or back off right now!!". Wenceslas Group's president director who was more known as the old man attacked Hendra with his sharp statements at length.

"I already wanted to back off since the beginning, but wasn't Grandpa the one who supported him until becoming mayor?". Hendra called him 'Grandpa' on purpose, so that old man would realize that he's a human.