The Victim As The Culprit

"What's wrong with me? Why does something feel weird, huh?". This woman felt anxious. Something in her chest hurt on the right and left sides.

She had asked Hendra about who changed her clothes last night. Hendra said it was his maids and he fell back asleep again. The blue-eyed said that no one could wake him up, including if someone from the office came to the main house. Honeymoon preparation, he said.

When Aruna went to the bathroom and started to take off her clothes, Aruna felt that something was different. Something in her chest seemed to change. Something that was originally hidden became even more prominent. The color changed from pink to purple. There was even a scar.

Aruna hurriedly took a bath. She wanted to confirm many things to the blue-eyed.

"Hen, wake up! Come on, wake up!". That girl was curious whether he was the culprit or not. There was no way something could get hurt without a cause.