
"I said it is fine!" It was not really his intention to shout at her but since she was persistent on taking care of him, he accidentally pushed her away.

"J-just let me take care of you tonight! You have a fever and you're living alone." She already teared up while saying those to him.

She quickly wiped her tears and got up from the floor, opening his closet to get him a clean and dry shirt. He clicked his tongue and heaved a sigh but still, it showed how irritated he is to her. While helping him to change his shirt, he just stared at her. They already broke up. Why is she still there to help him? She took the small paper bag from the side and opened it to take the medicines. She went to the kitchen and prepared rice porridge.

"You need to eat and take the medicine." She mumbled when she arrived back to his bedroom with a tray of food and water.

He slowly sat up in the bed and removed the damp towel from his forehead. He didn't say anything and he just ate the food she prepared. After that, he took the medicine and went back to sleep. She knows she should not be there. It's been a week since they broke up but she still cares for him. They were together for three years. It is hard for her to accept that their relationship has already ended but she is trying her best to feel fine despite the pain her heart is feeling right now.

She smiled faintly while staring at his sleeping face. She can't even tell him how much she already missed him. She doesn't have the rights anymore. If he will be able to find someone better, she will be happy. After placing the damp towel on his forehead, she went back to the kitchen with the tray. She looked for some ingredients inside the fridge since she decided to cook his favorite chicken dish. At least, that's all she can do for him before she can leave him alone in his apartment.

It took her an hour to finish preparing the dish. She smiled softly after tasting it. She can tell that her cooking skills are improving. She put the lid back and turned the stove off. There's still rice porridge and he can reheat it later when he wakes up. She cleaned the dishes and left a note on the fridge. She made sure that he will see the note since it also includes the schedule for him to take the medicine.

She picked up her bag on the couch and gave a last glance on his bedroom door. Once she leaves his apartment, it means they are back to strangers. Did he finally move on from her? If someone will ask her if she already moved on, the answer is too obvious. She can't move on. They shared too many good memories that they can cherish until they get old.

She started walking away. She put her shoes on and opened the door. She took another glance, wishing that he will stop her from leaving but she knows it will not happen. Every step she takes feels so heavy. She closed the door behind her and it automatically locked from inside. She started sobbing softly as she slumped down the floor. Why is it difficult for her to move on when he already threw away all the things related to her?

She can't turn back time now. Is it her fault that they broke up? Is it her fault that he already fell out of love? They had plans but those were included in the things he threw away. She covered her lips to keep herself quiet. Her tears are like the rain that keeps on falling from the sky. She clenched her fist tight and gently punched her heart for it to stop from beating for him.

"Why do I still love you so much? Why? Why am I the only one suffering? Am I that easy to throw away?" She kept on asking those questions to herself and she knows she will not get any answers for it.

It took her some time to pick herself up and walk back home. She is thankful that it is already night or else, everyone who will see her will think she is crazy for crying while walking on the sidewalk. She took her eyeglasses to hide her puffy eyes but it seems like it's useless because a few people keep on looking at her. She walked faster and hailed for a cab instead. At least, it is only the driver who can see her crying like that.

"You're so pathetic, Fuyu." She mumbled when she arrived at her apartment and finally got the chance to throw herself to her bed.

"Move on. Stop hurting yourself." She kept on mumbling those words but it only hurts her more and more.

She heard her phone ringing and she immediately answered the call, thinking that it might be him but as expected, he will never do that. She answered it with such disappointment but of course, she didn't let her friend notice it. She got up from her bed and washed her face with cold water to ease the puffiness of her eyes. And then, she changed her clothes into comfortable ones. She heard the doorbell and went to the main door to open it. She smiled faintly when she welcomed her friend.

"I sensed that you're not fine, so I got you some of your favorite food." He said and she nodded her head.

"Arigatou, Shohei. Let's eat these. I'm hungry." She chuckled softly while looking at the contents of the paper bag he brought.

Shohei closed the door and followed her to the living room. It was not his first time to go there, so he already got himself comfortable. She placed the bag on the coffee table and went to the kitchen to get some drinks for them. His eyes wandered on the photo frames sitting in the divider and realized that she's not yet removing her photos with her ex-boyfriend. He took one and stared at it. When she went back, she saw him looking at it. She placed the glasses on the coffee table and took the frame from his hands.

"Until when?" He asked and she carefully placed it back to its usual spot. She shook her head and sat on the couch.

"Let's eat instead. I'm happy that you got these for me. I'll treat you next time." She forced a smile while pulling the containers out from the bag.

"I don't need you to treat me to food. I need you to treat me as a man and a suitor." She stopped for a while and looked at him.

"Can you consider me, at least?" He asked once more. She was about to answer him when her phone suddenly rang.

She quickly ran to her bedroom and took her phone from the bag. It's him. Her hands were shaking when she answered the call. She waited for him to say something but all she heard was his heavy breathing. When the call ended, she grabbed her bag but then, she stopped from her tracks since Shohei was there. She gripped on her phone tightly and slowly placed her things back in the bed.

"Gomen. Someone just called me." She said when she went back to the living room. She took a piece of chicken fillet and dipped it to the sauce.

"I'll think about it but please, I don't want you to have high hopes. I'm still trying to move on." She added without looking at him.