Preparation -1

11 August,

Last week was total disaster. Dad was told about me and harry being wizard. And God O god! He totally freaked out and started shouted and about "being normal" he hugged me many time and asked if it was all wrong. Seeing that it all was not a dream he started to abuse everyone in house and finally passed out due to high blood pressure. He is still in hospital, he has calmed down but whenever I see him he makes me feel that I have somehow betrayed him. He has also stopped talking to me altogether and now only say if something really needed.

I have also came to know few things after studying some books that harry brought along with his grandfather's (James Potter) painting. Let us start with magical trunk, it came out with surprise that enchanted trunks like Newt Scamander's one must be adult (17+) need special permission from ministry of magic, this rule was passed after previously some Master Dark wizard brought many his followers in trunk in ministry of magic and assassinated the minister.

James also told us that top three Wizard controls all high position and guess who is current minister—of course its old coots friend Grindelwald...Sigh...

Similar law are present for house elves also...they are highly controlled and are in millions working and maintaining may Wizards work. Although all Potter elves were killed by voldyshort and his army. But thankfully elves can be gifted to one another, and it is common for wizards to gift elves to Novice Wizards, HEHEHE.

Harry being so popular he got many gift this whole week. ALL gifts were Send to Potter Farm house that I don't know where is but harry got a portkey from his room to Potter House. This thing was done by Order of old coot that thinks now it is good time for harry to manage his home more like learn 'Nobel etiquette'. After some request and some letters that were send by order of Grandpa James I got my Own House Elves with all contracts. What? I can't say James 'grandpa', what are you talking about, he is so kind and helpful after Harry explained how good brother I Am.

I named my elf "Joy". Also all elves are dressed like waiters so no dressing issue. So this was the only good thing that happened in this depressing week. I bought normal Suitcase, A backpack and a leather trunk. And joy put my all things into bags.

I also exchanged my pounds to gallon with harry for exchange rate of 5pound to gallon. And no, gallon are not made of pure hold its mixed and enchanted to work. So I got total 400G from harry + 4856G from duplication of original and 3S till today morning and I am making list of things that I want. I am going to get myself vaccinate a St.Mungo. After asking harry told me that there are 2 dozen of magical diseases that he was vaccinated for.

DD: Joy!

Joy: Yes master.

DD: Take me to St. Mungo hospital. You know where it is right?

Joy:Yes master . Joy knows.


After reaching hospital the Premium Vaccination Package cost around 200G, which include all incurable disease vaccine with mist common diseases. Although most of disease are curable, but precaution is better than cure. Then we went to buy an owl. It was a brown owl and seems very calm and collected... I named it Jack Sparrow J. At least, seeing him brings me some happiness unlike his Grindelwald version.

There was also one new thing that cost me 53G and it was power stone. It happens that wizards continued to try to make philosopher stone but they never succeeded but they created power stone which is formed from Magical energy and alchemy. Currently only ministry of magic is the only institute that makes these. These power stone are used to wards, runes and enchantment. Grandpa James also told us that after production of these stone in 1960's , wards are can be made as strong as owner want till he can supply this stones to the Magical array of wards.

I brought one because it has another use that is to increase the magical core growth. Yes you heard it right. This is done by making use of array plate and placing stone in it. It converts power stone to magical energy and Wizard has to sit on it. Array plate, of 40% efficiency cost me around 134G after some bargaining. Although array use 6 stone but I would manage ;). after shopping returned to Joy who was in elf waiting room which is present at backside to Tom's pub.