"So...this is your plan?" Doxin steered the cart that had gotten ten times bigger with all of Sol's junk in the back.
"What are we to do but ask everyone? Can't just do it without everyone's permission. Cat brain." Solomon lazily sat atop the roof of the cart swinging his legs, Shrub atop his lap. "Yeah, but did you have to come?" Doxin gritted his teeth.
"Doxin," I called out.
"I'm stuck..."
While I was getting some supplies from the inside of the wagon cart the items seemed to have consumed me. I couldn't escape. I had been here for more than twenty minutes with no one noticing.
"Huh!?" Doxin cried out in alarm stopping the cart and rummaging in the back hurriedly.
"Why did you stop?" An annoyed tsk left Sol jumping down to see what the commotion was.
"You're getting colder Doxin." My face scrunched up but suddenly a little bean pulled me out easily. I patted Shrub's head giving him all the thanks before picking him up into my arms and plopping down next to where Doxin steers the oxen.
Doxins face relaxed and the ride continued. Petting the green hair below me I felt a stare boring into my head which I tried to ignore...
I had been asleep for a while now all I remember is waking up to being on the trail once again. Solomon said we still need permission from the other people who own immortal weapons. I began to think this is quite tiring, I have all the time in the world so I'll be patient. The one we're going to see now is named 'Sorin' and he's a vampire. They live very far away and it will take months to get to his kingdom which resides in desert terrain.
I cant wait to see all the new things this trip will bring.
"Shrub, do you have a favorite food?" I asked hugging him closer.
"Anything is good," he said quietly seemingly a bit intimidated by Doxin.
"Anything?" Confused I loosened my hold. I've never heard of anyone liking anything. "Does that mean you like peaches?"
"I don't mind," Shrub smiled.
I narrowed my eyes before glancing at Solomon. "Do you like peaches?" I asked him.
"Yes, anything that grows is good!" Sol grinned hearts swimming in his eyes at getting my attention. It almost seems everyone I meet has this odd fascination with me, or maybe, I meet the wrong people too many times. "Doxin, do you like peaches?"
"they're okay, why do you ask?"
My face scrunched up in unsatisfaction.
"Peaches are gross."
"Then I hate peaches too!" Doxin practically screeched.
Little hands cupped my cheeks and an adorable Shrub looked in my eyes determined. "I hate peaches too Eirwen!"
"I-I ALSO HATE PEACHES!" Sol haughtily declared.
A slow fond smile tugged on my lips as I held a hand to my mouth.
'pff these people are so funny'