Hunting a T-Rex

Tristan Harlow:

Falling on something cold, wet, and slimy, I can't see anything past the dark sewer water as it begins to carry me away! Lunging at anything I can, I manage to grab something within reach and use it to pull myself up!

Coughing into my hand, I wipe my eyes before looking around. Luckily, the rushing water didn't carry me far, only about six feet from where Rebecca was.

"You okay drifter," she yells from all the way up there.

"Fine," I yell back, wiping away some more water. "Just fine! Should've just left when I had the chance."

Finding some better footing, I climb my way back up and to Rebecca.

"You stink of dog water," Rebecca jokes when I finally reach her.

"Yeah fuck you too. Just get inside before I go back for a swim."

Climbing into the narrow sewer line, we once again crouch-walk for a while, my legs growing tired with each step until finally, Rebecca stops and points upward. Looking up, I see a manhole cover.

"This is it, drifter," she says, pulling out her gun. "You ready for a little action?"

Pulling out my own gun, I pull back on the barrel and nod. Doing the honor, I push up on the cover, lifting and tossing it aside. Rebecca climbs ahead of me, her gun out and ready. Luckily for us, there isn't anyone around.

"Is that the warehouse," I ask, nudging at a large warehouse. Despite looking rusty, abandoned, and one breeze away from breaking apart, there seem to be some lights on the inside.

Climbing out of the manhole, I quickly place the cover back before running with Rebecca to cover. Hiding behind a corner, we peek out in time to see three guards walk out, two with wooden planks and one with a pistol.

"Let's go," Rebecca says, leaving. Biting my tongue, I follow after her. As soon as they see us, they get into fighting stances, the one with the gun aiming at us while the two prepare to swing their weapons.

"Easy boys," Rebecca starts, walking up with her hands empty. "I'm just here for a little chat with your boss. You know, he's owed me a few things. Namely, a shipment filled with medicine."

"We don't know what you're talking about," the one with the gun replies, a dark-skinned, round, bald guy in a black jacket with loose pants. "Get out of here now! Before something bad happens."

Pulling back the hammer of his gun, the click of it echoing in my ears, I reach for my gun. Seeing this, the man switches targets. The second he does, Rebecca pulls out her gun and fires. Hitting him square in the chest, he drops back. Stunned by this, the two others are just standing there, only falling back when Rebecca fires at them too.

"There goes the element of surprise," I say, dropping down to grab the man's gun.

"Who cares," Rebecca says, staring at the warehouse. "Besides, I want them to know I'm here. One thing you do not do here is fuck with my business."

Walking right up to the warehouse, she kicks open the metal door and enters, swinging her gun around as she does.

"Hey Rex," she says, her gun stopping on a tall guy with pale skin and a goatee. Dressed in a grey sweatshirt and pants, what really stands out is the beanie on his head with the picture of a T-rex on it. "I think you have something of mine."

"Oh shit," Rex says, jumping out of the way in time and hiding behind some boxes. The warehouse is full of wooden boxes of all sizes, and because it is, Rex's escape is all too easy. Running through the maze, Rebecca and I try to catch up with him but as mentioned before, the pistol-whipping jackasses are also in here. One of the jackasses tackles us from the side. We both fall, crushing a few boxes as we do.

Picking me up via my neck collar, he starts punching me over and over. Grabbing a piece of the destroyed box, I slam it into the thug's head, the thug screaming and falling to the side. Getting back up, I run down a pathway, trying to remember which way Rex or Rebecca went.

"Son of a--," I say but stop when I hear shots going off! Crouching down, covering my head, I look around while pulling out my own gun. Picking a direction and hoping for the best, I carefully run down it. Hearing more gunshots, I follow my ears until finding what looks like a clearing in the maze of boxes.

"Kill her," Rex orders, pointing at Rebecca as she ducks behind a stone pillar. "Kill her now!"

"Can't do it yourself, can ya," Rebecca screams, blind firing a few shots but only hitting empty boxes. "You're a pathetic person, you know that! Calling you a girl would only insult me!

"Kill her," Rex orders again. Somehow, even more of his hired thugs run out from the maze and open fires on Rebecca. Running around some boxes, I flank them and begin opening fire.

"Fuck," Rex screams, crouching down as two thugs beside him are shot and killed. Screaming and crawling along the ground, he pushes him up and starts running again.

"Not so fast," Rebecca yells, jumping out from cover and running after Rex. Seeing a thug about to shoot her, I fire first and kill him, my bullet going through his head only a second before his lifeless body falls.

"Thank," she says, running past the dead thug without even stopping to collect his weapon. Quickly dropping down to pick up a few extra guns and bullets, I follow after Rebecca.

"Where the hell are you, you fucking theft," Rebecca screams, kicking over a box and smashing it open. "You think you can hide from me! Do you really think you can hide from me! Did you really think you can steal from me and then hide! I'll hunt you to the very end of the bunker if I mean I can pull a bullet through that skull of yours!"

Running up behind Rebecca as she goes on and on about how she'll cut Rex up and feed him to the bunch of stray dogs in the bunker, I stop when I hear some sort of clicking sound. Even before I can figure out what it is, the box next to Rebecca bursts open and she falls to the ground!

Moaning as she holds her hip, I can see blood leaking through her fingers. Running out from the corner, I see Rex holding a pump-action shotgun in his hands. Pumping it, he aims down the sight at Rebecca's head.

Before he can fire though, I fire and force Rex away, the bastard running back around the corner. Running to Rebecca, careful to check the corner, I drop down beside her and reach into my pack.

"I guess you need these now," I ask, offering Rebecca some alcohol and a longer piece of rags.

"Find that son of a bitch," Rebecca says, grabbing the alcohol-soaked rag and placing it against her wound. Screaming as she does, she looks back at me. Pointing, I left the bottle of alcohol and some extra rags with her. "Find that son of a bitch and make him tell you where my meds are!"

Getting up, I slam my back against the empty boxes and begin sliding across them. Following Rex around the corner, I see the hole where he shot through. Tip-toeing past it, I try and guess which way he went.

There are a bunch of different pathways, going in all sorts of directions.

"Where the hell are you," I ask myself, peeking around a corner but seeing nothing. Going down one pathway, one that leads toward the other end of the warehouse, I walk down it for a while before hearing something. The same clicking sound from before, I jump out of the way in time to avoid getting hit by Rex! Knocking over the empty box, he pumps his shotgun once again and aims down the sight, a lot like he did with Rebecca.

"Die, you damn drifter," he screams, walking toward me, finger squeezing the trigger. Covering myself with my arm, I prepare to have my arm completely blown off. However, before Rex can pull the trigger, someone fires three rounds and the bullets go through Rex's chest!

"What the fuck," I say, watching as blood drips out of Rex's mouth, his shotgun falling to the ground. Rex coughs and shakes before falling to the floor.

"I found him," someone in a green uniform shouts, running toward me with a pistol in his hand. Recognizing the uniform right away, the dented dark-green helmet, the gas mask with red lens, and the dusty, camouflage, jacket, and pants, it occurs to me right there. A rebel had just saved me.