Prologue 3.

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One year. Is it too much or too little? Although, this is from which side to look at. If you get old and you live out the rest of your life, the years fly faster than the wind. If you are a newly born child, then a whole year stretches forever! You can't talk, you can't walk, you can't eat! You can't do anything by yourself!!! What a blessing that a person does not remember his life from birth. All these diapers, vests, and other things that accompany all newborns. The horror! The only bright spot - I was breastfed, and not some kind of chemical mixtures, fashionable here. However, my diet was not limited to this, all sorts of porridge also varied the menu, which is why I grew up literally before my eyes. By the end of the year, I was confidently crawling and starting to walk on the wall. Not in the sense of reaching the ceiling, but holding on to something with both hands.

As a toddler, I was calm, I did not shout in vain just out of my infant pride, and therefore I did not cause my parents any particularly big problems. Of course, sometimes there were fears that someone would catch the differences in the behavior of ordinary children, but after eavesdropping on the conversations of Sai and Ryuta, as their father and mother were called, I discovered that I was not the only one - the children of the Nara clan generally preferred to eat, sleep and sometimes crawl, without being ruined by unnecessary screams. However, I was surprised not by this, but by the fact that my cousin Shikaku, at his young age of three, not only ran without problems, but also chatted incessantly quite well. Geniuses, damn it! In general, as far as I understood, thanks to the Shinobi parents, their children developed one and a half to two times faster than the civiles, who did not have large reserves of chakra from birth. Apparently, the larger volume at birth provided this opportunity. However, a similar situation was observed in Nara, but in Uzumaki, children physically developed even faster and by this age began to train for becoming a ninja. Here they are, the advantages of having a large amount of body energy, or if you remember the abstruse names-yang. If I remember correctly, yang refers to the degree of development of the body, which the inhabitants of the village of the whirlpool have always had in abundance, and Ying - spiritual development, training of the mind and gaining experience, which is enough for the members of the Naraclan. Perhaps that is why, with my rather modest knowledge of Japanese, I managed to understand colloquial speech quite well after six months. Or maybe it was because Saya liked to chat with the other moms while I was out walking. Here you can learn something if you want to or not.

I tried not to think about the reason for entering the world of elemental countries. In fact, the opportunity to start life anew, crystal-clear air, clean water, natural food and the opportunity to gain strength that I never dreamed of having. Well, an approximate knowledge of key events that will happen in the future, as well as the ability to influence them. And most importantly, my parents are here, alive. What else do you need? In the old life, I was waiting for an empty two-piece after the death of my wife, poison literally in everything consumed and five to ten years before death. Not a very pleasant prospect. And certainly not worth much regret.

For the second year. There were still no significant events outside of my limited world. But the list of personal achievements has grown to the ability to walk(and then run), speak fairly well not difficult words and try to learn to read and write. The latter was taken over by my father, who was happy to demonstrate magic tricks with seals as a method of motivation. For a man who had never seen anything out of the ordinary in his life, it really was a miracle, because the round eyes and open mouth of surprise did not even need to be depicted. And in general, my psyche has undergone a number of changes in the direction of ease of expression of emotions, as it should be in children, but did not affect the difficulty of the thought process or the deterioration of concentration. Hail the power of the Yin chakra! That's just all the achievements overshadowed by the fact of the presence of a brilliant cousin bratelnik, who by the age of four was already easily writing out hieroglyphs and playing shogi better than many adults who are not related to Nara, to my envy. He could have trained in the awakening of the chakra, but laziness and the habit of sleeping for a third of the day greatly interfered with this.

Third year. Ryuta could no longer stay with us and returned to his village. As my mother said, my grandfather used all his resources to keep him with us for such a long time. I wonder which of the two? Two and a half years and so much more than twelve months. Despite such a sad event, I have reason to be proud - along with a huge increase in my vocabulary, I have mastered writing at a level sufficient to take up the drawing of seals. I made my first seal under the supervision of the pope, just before he left. Shikaku is resting-I'm a genius! However, I awakened the chakra only at the very end of the year under the strict supervision of mamani, so I could not personally fill that very seal. And besides the training seal that emits light, I could not draw anything - pa left clear instructions to start practicing fuinjutsu only from the age of four and only after achieving good control over the chakra. By that time, my volume should have increased to the level of an average student of the Shinobi academy. That is why I had to meditate for a month, trying to feel this very chakra inside me. As my mother explained, Uzumaki are forced to start training at this age because of too large amounts of chakra even in childhood, and if you do not start earlier by two years than everyone else, then there will be big problems with control. In addition, if you empty the reserve almost completely, then the volume will increase much faster than in a natural way. Well, who would mind, I'm so happy to do something just because the list of activities is extremely short. I, for one, like to chase our herding dogs, which are used to herd the deer in the forest of the Naraclan. Very develops the muscles and the overall speed of the body. So to speak, I have made a reserve for future training sessions. Well, I also train in the speed of writing, which is also very useful for the future master of seals. I play shogi with my mom. And all. There's nothing else to do. Except to sleep, or to stare at the clouds, as a cousin does. Even televisions are not used here as entertainment devices, but as devices for monitoring the territory through cameras or recording important events, and very expensive. There is no television or radio. Generally. Communication is used exclusively for military purposes and only for a short distance. How did you know? I visited the clan library. I didn't get to anything interesting, but I stole a couple of books to read. One of them turned out to be historical and described the wanderings of one of the Naraduring the clan wars, before the creation of the first villages. Very interesting, like reading an obscene action movie. Now it is clear how the ancient Shinobi had fun - first a good fight, and then the interrogation of the surviving men with knocking out known techniques and using enemy kunoichi for the same purposes. The last ones broke faster. I quickly took the history book back before anyone caught me-I feel that if I were caught with it, my ears would definitely be kicked. But where I put it, I firmly remembered. It will be necessary to throw it in a year to Shikaku, maybe after reading it, he will stop being so lazy with training.

In the same year, I met Yamanaka Inoichi and Akamichi Choza, as well as their fathers. Well, as an acquaintance, I saw them from the knees of grandfather Ishar, who retired on an honorary pension and handed over the reins of the clan to his son. The old man doted on me and constantly talked about the times of his stormy youth, literally driving the desire to become a shinobi. Given that most of the adventures happened before the formation of Konoha, it turned out to be terribly interesting, since nothing like this was even mentioned in the manga. Who would have thought that the same Inuzuka was formerly a shepherd's clan. The funny thing is, while Ma was out of the neighborhood, he showed me the hand seals, promising not to tell anyone. However, I digress. The blonde and the fat man were brought to meet Shikaku by their parents. Apparently, even before the famous Ino-Shika-Cho formation, our clans were friends with each other. But it was ridiculous to think that I was present at the birth of the heroes of the future war. And if Akamichi and Naralooked almost like exact copies of their future sons as children, Inoichi looked more like a girl with his long hair, especially because he didn't pull it back in a ponytail yet. By the way, I had already begun to put my wild red hair in order myself, and even sometimes, with the help of my mother, I would braid it into a tight braid so that it wouldn't stick out in all directions. It was almost as thick as my arm. You can immediately see who the hair went to, Ryuta has exactly the same. Well, the most important event - along with raising the control of the chakra, the gift of the sensor woke up in me! In any case, that's what my mother explained when I asked why it was possible to feel the presence of the chakra of different intensity in people who were nearby.

In the intervening time, the memory of his past life began to fade and fade, like the contents of a book he had read. It evokes some emotions, but only as from a read story, no more. And who's waiting for me there? My wife is dead, my children have long been independent and only occasionally visit. Of course, the sixth decade is far from the end of life, but the best years have passed. No, there is no regret, and when you begin to realize the opportunities ahead, then all doubts are no longer overcome - it is much more interesting here!

Fourth year. A sad year. But about everything in order. I have achieved considerable success in my training. Especially in chakra control. About at the level of the average genin, but this is a huge achievement, considering that my reserves are equal to an experienced chunin. At least that's what Ma says, and you can trust her. After all, the special jonin is in reserve. He doesn't go on missions, but he keeps in shape. Of course, not every Uzumaki has so much (at least, I think so), but just this result and sought, especially with some help. For my third birthday, my grandfather gave me a special shirt with a small chakra-conducting wire woven into it, just like the vests worn by elite Jounins. It is enough to nourish it with chakra and you will get an impenetrable barrier from all iron and most of the weak E-C rank techniques. Terribly expensive, but if you constantly use it, it increases not only the size of the reserve and control, but also develops the chakra channels of the upper half of the body and the hands to the hands, which contributes to the overall strengthening of these parts of the body. It is a pity that such pants are not sold, but I think that with walking on the walls this flaw will be corrected. With the growth of control, the distance at which I became able to sense the owners of the chakra also increased - from a couple of tens of meters, it increased to a hundred. Unfortunately, with this came problems - if there was someone nearby with a large reserve, then my senses began to go blind, not allowing me to identify those who were further away. According to my father's notes, it took me about three months of continuous training to get around this problem and learn how to "block" goals with too much reserve. In the same year, I finally began to learn the basics of clan techniques with the other three-year-olds. More precisely, just theory, and practice is still more than a year away. Shikaku has already started and is always going to gundet about the complexity, constant fatigue and unwillingness to become a shinobi. However, this is as long as his mother Setsura or Sai is not around. Otherwise, the subsequent bashing quickly shows the entire fallacy of such an opinion.

As it turned out, the yin energy is at the heart of the Nara clan techniques. Yes, just like in most genjutsu. Actually, shadow control can be called an illusion in some way. Direct manipulation of our chakra is similar in principle to the chains used by Kushina, except that it uses the power of the body, not the mind. In any case, based on the authenticity of the manga. So, in the classes conducted, the principle of use was explained, control was trained, which is absolutely necessary for all Nara, and attempts were made to isolate this most important component of the chakra. As I asked around the teaching members of the clan, such pre-training takes an average of two to three years, and by the age of six or seven, you can start learning shadow jutsu yourself. First, the simplest manipulations to get used to and fill your hand, and then something more complicated.

I gave up my physical training disguised as a game. The reason for this is simple - Saya began to work with me in this direction. More precisely, the classes were disguised as games. Increase endurance, speed and strength, the main focus. And all this without the chakra. The strange thing is, it's much easier to do this than in a previous life. The famous Uzumaki endurance? Most likely, but the load was constantly increasing. And if I used to eat for two, now the volume of what I ate has doubled. However, Ma is only happy to cook more-she found kage bunshin in the scrolls left by her father and now uses the technique with all her might, sending her to cook, clean and wash her copies. It is a pity that I have not yet managed to get my hands on such a useful jutsu. Tellingly, she began to train even more, and some tension began to hover in the air. By some phrases thrown within my hearing and remembering the chronology, I was able to identify the proximity of the Second World War. This was confirmed by an overheard conversation between Uncle Shenesu, who served as the chief strategist and commander of the Jonin in the village, and his subordinate. Of course, if I were an enemy spy, I would be spotted as having nothing to do, but who would pay attention to the children resting in the next room, the eldest of whom was not even six, and the youngest four? And so lucky that I have already learned to direct the chakra to the ears, strengthening the initially good hearing by nature.

In general, they talked about a lot of things, but I highlighted the main thing - according to intelligence reports, Kirigakure and Kumogakure began to rapidly increase their combat power and gradually increase the border garrisons. Analysts believe that with a ninety percent probability, these developments mark the imminent beginning of a new war and it is quite possible that both sides will want to eliminate Uzushiogakure from the world alignment, just to get the famous Uzumaki techniques, accumulated over centuries of wealth and artifacts, as well as eliminate a reliable ally of the Leaf. This is still known to the units, but already now the Hokage and the elders are discussing the futility of sending help to the allies. A necessary sacrifice for the survival of the village! Konoha has not yet fully recovered from the first World war of Shinobi, and therefore it is not advisable to lose strength in the imminent war of Suna with Willow, which may have to be joined by Konoha, and will expose the village to unnecessary risk. In addition, Danzo stirred with his "Not". His uncle's interlocutor suggested that he hoped to snatch a piece of Uzumaki's knowledge and treasures before the two great villages stole everything for themselves. So to speak, a platform for a nascent organization. Or maybe he will act in concert with them - his hatred of Mito Uzumaki is well known, as is his insistence on getting his hands on the knowledge of the masters of seals and barriers. The wife of the First one gave him a ride with this, beating him properly when trying to covet her library and even refusing to teach her husband, so the future cripple harbored a grudge. And it would be fine if only he - Orochimaru also did not mind at all to lay his hands on the knowledge of many generations of Uzumaki, regardless of the number of victims. Apparently, even at this age, the future "snake san nina" was distinguished by a fair amount of coolness and cynicism. And given that he had done more than one espionage mission for this particular elder, despite his apprenticeship with Sarutobi, the picture was frankly grim.

After such a conversation, at least it became clear how Uzushio was destroyed-certainly not without treachery on the part of Konoha, if at all the attack was not carried out by our Shinobi under the guise of friendly visits.

And it would be nice if this news was the worst-closer to my fourth birthday came the news of the death of Ryuta. My mother reread the letter marked with the sign of the red whirlpool for a long time, and somehow all of a sudden she looked ten years older, the fervent sparkle disappeared from her eyes and her hands dropped helplessly. She sat there until I climbed into her lap and hugged her, burying my face in her chest. After that, we sat there until the evening, and then in the morning, hugging each other. It wasn't until dawn that I was told that as soon as I was four years old, we would go to see my second grandfather, who was on my father's side. Actually, it was this event that gave the impetus to change the history. But I realized this much later. However, I do not regret it at all - because that is why I wanted to be born long before the beginning of the plot of the original manga.