The Incident Behind The Spring Jackets

April 9, 2012, it's been a week since the first day of entering Abeno High School.

Before leaving for school, Hiyori wore the spring jacket Mawaru gave her. When he saw him, in his heart Mawaru was happy. Her eyes were filled with tears and her happy expression etched onto her face this time couldn't be hidden. Even her cheeks were flushed red from blushing at Hiyori's good looks.

"What a beautiful spring," Hiyori muttered as she smoothed her tie.

"KYAAAAAH !!!" In Mawaru's heart, "I want to photograph it under the school tree."

Spring was full of love ...

Meanwhile, Fuyuki was leaving the room ... he wasn't wearing any jackets or cards at all.

Seeing the jacket that Hiyori was wearing, for a moment Fuyuki put on a stiff face and was seen by the two of them. Fuyuki immediately looked away.

Then they departed together...

Arriving at the front of the classroom, Fuyuki sighed tiredly ... "Thankfully, he (Mawaru) didn't ask for that jacket." He thought, staring blankly at the window.


A week ago, on the day of the New Student Admissions Ceremony.

Someone in front of the gate asked Fuyuki to allow his son.

* Illustration of that time:

It was the day Fuyuki wore the jacket Mawaru gave him for the first time. Fuyuki was asked by Kei Yamada (head of the school) to fill in the new student representative speech because he had the highest ranking. However, he failed to meet with Kei because of an urgent matter.

There is a woman in her 40s. He was pacing back and forth in front of the school building carrying a letter. Then Fuyuki who saw him from a distance walked over to him...

"What's wrong mom?" he asked, watching the mother's worried face.

She looks nervous shaking that her child can't make it to the acceptance ceremony. "T-this ..." He handed a letter to Fuyuki.

"Eh? What is this?" Fuyuki could not receive the letter that was thrust in front of him.

"C-can you hand it over to the principal?"

"Oh yes. Please. I happened to have an appointment with him. "

"Eh, are you a student here?"

Fuyuki smiled softly seeing a woman who looked at him nervously, "Maybe I'm too cold," in his heart ... "but, with a smile maybe I can calm his heart." He thought, answering the mother's question "Yes."

Then Fuyuki received a letter.

Their hands touched, but ...

In Fuyuki's heart "Eh cold," which touched his hand.

A few moments later ... while the car with a speed of 5km / h (quite slowly) from the west stopped right in front of the gate, that person fell and fainted.

"Oi oi oi ... are you okay?" Fuyuki held his hand and checked his pulse. "So weak," he muttered ... "Looks like he's got anemia." She was wearing thin clothes in the cold air (even though it had just entered spring).

Reflexively Fuyuki put the jacket he wore on him. He wanted to carry her to the hospital.

However, a young girl got out of the car that stopped in front of the school gate.

"Chairman ..." said softly the young girl who wore the Abeno high school uniform.

"You ...!"

Looks like Fuyuki and the girl know each other. Without thinking, Fuyuki carried him and got into the car. Then they took him to a nearby hospital.

[Nishinaka Medical Association] It is located in Matsumushi Street, Hannanchou district.

Fuyuki immediately notified Kei by phone that he and one of the students there were in the hospital. However, before that ... there were already several incoming calls from Kei on Fuyuki's cellphone on the way.

Fuyuki opened it "Eh?" three missed calls.

"Young master, where are you?"

"I? Oh at the hospital, Nishinaka clinic- "

"WHAT !?" Kei was surprised to hear that Fuyuki was in the hospital, he thought it was Fuyuki who was sick.

"Oi oi wait a minute," Fuyuki said in a flat tone. "I'm only here to drop off someone who's passed out."

"Oh, I thought you were sick."

"Not really."


"Sorry I can't come to the ceremony right now," Fuyuki said sadly.

"Yes, never mind."

The girl who had been delivering in her car approached Fuyuki who was on the phone. Fuyuki ended the call, and he said… "Go! I will wait for this person here. " He said, "I know you must be busy." He added very attentively.


Finally, Fuyuki rushed to the school, and just before the ceremony started, Fuyuki arrived at the auditorium.

In the side corner of the auditorium, Kei was getting ready to go to the podium ... then Fuyuki walked over to him. "Ano ...." He handed a letter to Kei that the woman gave him. It was a license from his son who had been unable to attend school for some time.

"Good." Kei kept it in his coat pocket then prepared to open the ceremony.

Meanwhile, Fuyuki sat at the back of the new admissions chair.


That's the chronology, and the problem is that the jacket he was wearing at that time was the one Mawaru had given him. He puts the jacket on a new person he knows and even forgets to ask about it.

It would be very bad if Mawaru asked that of Fuyuki, even Fuyuki had never used that incident to Hiyori and Mawaru.


Today there are 1-B and 1-C sports schedules. This is the first gym class. Looks like Fuyuki excels in sports, maybe because he has trained in the previous Rakugaki Academy. Mawaru and Hiyori were equally superior, to be more precise they were also great. Madarame looks cool too.

Because this Fuyuki is popular, in the middle of a break, he is immediately treated to girls 1-C, they ask strange things. Starting from the type of woman, favorite food, favorite drink, asking questions about boyfriends, favorite places, and so on.

"Matsuda, let's buy a drink together." Suddenly there is Mawaru. Then Hiyori and Madara came again.

"Let's go." Fuyuki replied relieved "Thankfully, you guys have saved me from those girls ...."

"Oi oi, what do you want to drink today ?" Hiyori asked Fuyuki.

"What do you want yourself?" Fuyuki asked back.

"Ah, if I ... this." Hiyori was looking for coins, grabbed the point at her drink.

"Which one would you choose Madarame? Let me buy it .... "said Mawaru.

"Oh no, thank you. I brought my own money. " Madara hesitated.

"Come on, come on—" Don't be shy.

"Excuse me ... Are you guys still like buying it?" suddenly there are two girls from class 1-C who want to buy drinks too.

"Hm~ we've ended"

He saw a cute, sexy girl with long blonde hair ...

