The Cause is Laxative


Hesitant to say anything...

But that greeting is a word that many people look forward to.

Now Fuyuki only looked flatly at the people who visited her.

"...." It's not that he didn't have words to say but refused to say it.

He closed his eyes and lifted the oxygen and removed the oxygen hose from his face.

"...!" They were all shocked.

But, this time Fuyuki tried to speak as normally as possible.

Before speaking, Fuyuki took a breath and let go slowly.


"O-oi, you're fine, aren't you?" asked a worried Kioku who suddenly released her oxygen hose.

"Um. Daijoubu (Yes. It's fine)," said Fuyuki who said coolly... "Everyone, thank you for visiting me." He said it in a very slow tone indicating he wasn't completely yet unwell.

He was very weak when he was sick.

"Sensei mou arigatougozaimasu (sir/bu guru also thank you)." Fuyuki said greeting Furuha, Misaki and Kei in a very slow tone.