Sudden Visit

Don't hesitate, this time it's not too late to fix all that.


Toushiro remembered what Ashina said back then.

At Miyamoto's residence, in the corridor after Toushiro took a shower.

"Tumben dad didn't invite Fuyuki? Have you guys fought?" said Ashina lirih who asked for Toushiro's clarity.

Toushiro is a little open to Ashina, for him... Ashina is more like a servant or her partner than her child (obviously because she's an adopted child, but she still loves him like a child himself). "No, we didn't fight. Hm, somehow this time I refused to force him here." Toushiro said with an optimistic smile.

"Oh," Ashina was a little surprised by Toushiro's sudden soft demeanor.

In Ashina's heart... "Maybe...."

"Nee did you take her to—" (to Miyamoto's residence ashina)

Not having had time to continue his speech, Toushir cut off the conversation by covering Ashina's mouth with his hands and doing kabedon on his son.