Just an Expectation


"Dad," he quipped. Fuyuki paused for a moment and stared straight at Toushiro, he immediately asked the question "What is father currently being...."

"What would Fuyuki say?"



'Did he already know?'


Fuyuki continued, "What is father currently being... Do you have a lot of problems in the company?" asked Fuyuki seriously and a slightly gloomy face.

"Eh!" momentarily Toushiro who heard the question put on a stiff shocked face.

"...." Toushiro hasn't given a definitive answer while this boy is looking at him with seriousness.

Fuyuki momentarily lowered her gaze and she slowly picked up a spoon to eat back. They both want to say something.

Fuyuki would say, "Sorry—"

Not finished he said "Sorry if my question is presumptuous," Toushiro cut off his words.