The Magic Radio

"What happened to Fuyuki?"

'This feeling of anxiety, can't turn away from me....'




*Antique Shop in front of Abeno High School*



The sound of the knife sticking through something....

Fuyuki's life is in danger!

That bloodthirsty blade could have killed Fuyuki with a single stab through her neck.

Did the old woman manage to slit Fuyuki's throat with the knife she released?




He's safe!

The knife pierced the soft outside of his double shield, one of Fuyuki's moves.

Now Fuyuki is in a room distorted by the dimensions of space and time. However, Fuyuki and the radio that was in the shield were undistorted... Why is that?

Fuyuki's shield ability had been impenetrable from the outside by any object, it was a practical ability that he had that always protected him.