
Fuyuki really wanted to go home, she started to wake up this time while her brother fell asleep on a chair while holding his tiny hand by his side.

Ashina felt her sister begin to wake up..., visible panda's eye circumference under Ashina's eye valve, meaning that all this time her brother was really looking after her.

"Fuyuki... You're awake." Ashina said softly.

"Um. I'm fine."

Ashina smiled softly and said, "Thank God." To his sister, who seemed to look healthier.

"Hiyori who was here, where is she?" asked Fuyuki to her brother who was cleaning her things.

"He had already returned home, he had wanted to ask the answer answer to the answer report for the mission. Then he gave this." Ashina thrusts something that Hiyori brought to convey to Fuyuki.

A piece of envelope?

"Envelope?" has the official stamp graffiti area

Fuyuki immediately looked at the contents of the envelope, and saw him....