Himeko's Depature

A middle school girl is waiting for someone in front of the gate of Abeno High School. She was dressed in a sleeveless dress with a storied skirt and floral lace around her. This young girl dressed super cute is like a princess who just came from a rich country.

"Huuuh~ he hasn't come out yet...." Who is he waiting for? He was still wandering in front of the gate while peering furtively waiting for the person he was looking for.

Until tired, he sat pensively in the corner of the gate wall waiting for someone accompanied by the scorching heat of the sun.

"Cih," he felt like bragging, he then looked for shelter and sat in front of the antique shop with his expression.

It's been as hard-fought and as happy as possible.


Then the school's returning bell rang, "That's it!" he shouted loudly until the antique shop owner's son who had just returned from school was shocked by his attitude.