Certainty Part 1

Fuyuki who was silent for a moment in the chair then stretched out his body with his tired face, starting to squeeze his smarthphone. He contacted someone... Who's that?


*The desk salesman (-.-) he bought it online.

"Hmm... What about the vase?" asked Tsurara astonished.

"Ah that...." It was a vase his father had bought.


"Let it be."


A few minutes later, the tableman and Mondo came and he placed it in front of the chair.

It was the same glass table.

After the table salesman who delivered the table and installed it left, Mondo asked in a soft tone... "Waka, what's really going on?"

Mondo asked with his worry.

Fuyuki explained the incident earlier.

Mondo felt he had no right to give any advice or oppose his decision.

"Mondo-san, keep this secret from Zakura-sama." Fuyuki said with his gloomy gaze.

Mondo understood, he understood his master's feelings... "All right."