Love Become Hate

Footage of previous episodes (like in the movies): Ayami had a big fight with Edo because Ayami tried to end his relationship with Edo. Ayami continued to urge by citing some of the reasons he gave based on the evidence he obtained. Edo only dodged by continuing to brag to Ayami until Ayami was upset. Eventually Ayami declares 'Breaking up' to end his relationship with Edo. It seemed like Edo still didn't accept, he was tired of hearing Ayami speak that tried to justify it.

Finally Edo's emotions could not be contained anymore then he wanted to launch an attack on Ayami.

He wants to slap her!


With lightning fast, Fuyuki helped him. He violently brushed off Edo's hand that was about to slap him in the face.

Then he said, "I'm not Ayami's girlfriend, I'm just his friend, we did go home together because our house was that way." Fuyuki clearly looked at Edo with a cold look in his eyes.

'GLEK!' instantly rendered Edo speechless.
