Kokoro no Tomo

"... What do you want?" said Yuria, who was in charge casually, as long as she could help him.

"It's about Kana Ayami, the idol girl who came here a few days ago." Fuyuki said seriously who looked at Yuria earnestly.


Yuria's face didn't seem to remember it.

"Dare (Who)...?"

*Oi oi what Yuria is acting as a turtle in a boat aka pretending not to know ('-')

Tsurara who was near Fuyuki said in an annoyed tone to Yuria who felt her attitude sucked, "Oi! Old grandma bangka! At least don't try to be senile, kek! I know you actually remember, right!?"

"Ara-ara instead of being disrespectful asking for the prophecy of the fate of others for her own sake?" responded Yuria this time intent, she was actually not senile. The prophecy of each person's fate will be that person's privacy.

"So-sou da ne," Fuyuki responded with her doubtful expression as she wanted to undo her intention to inquire about Ayami.