What's in the Underground Aqueduct?

"Where did you meet?" asked Mawaru confirming the location Fuyuki and Kei met in the underground channel.

Judging from the floor plan Fuyuki was holding, then he showed hiyori and Mawaru his floor plan at the table, he immediately pointed at her with his conjecture... "It looks like it's here...." It was a Spiral area that turned out to be quite far from the entrance of the actual underground aqueduct.

About what's there?

"I'm sure... There's something there!" exclaimed Mawaru with his serious face.

"Hmm... Then how about we investigate it again?" said Hiyori who wanted to start the investigation again.

"Hmm, I don't think we contacted Yamada-san first? It's likely that he already knew where the old principal was there...." Fuyuki said confidently that what Kei was looking for there was Kaito.

"... It could also be but, what will Yamada-san tell us?" asked Mawaru.