Preparations for the Tanabata Festival Part 2

"Nee...!" cried Nanoha greeting everyone.

"What?" asked Ayami in response to which maybe Nanoha had a way to help him.

"No (not to Ayami), I mean the Asada...."

"...?" they were all astonished by the meaning of Nanoha, what was wrong with Asada Yuuki?

"Asada will participate in the Olympics yes, well I had thought why was chosen from class B really not Matsuda-kun alone, instead Matsuda-kun is smart huh?"

"A-me?" Fuyuki responded to Nanoha's words that everyone thought were right as well.

"Yes, but, why was chosen even Asada?" asked Nanoha who she once remembered that Asada in class once wondered about doing kalukulus problems on Fuyuki even though the first grade high school lesson had not reached calculus, only basically quadratic equations.


Fuyuki had wanted to answer with reason but, Ran cut him off first.